"Cats have a brain structure more similar to human's than dogs, and
actuall have freedom, so they dont obey useless people." 1-0 added.
She had access to all knowledge because the scientists implanted so
much data in her microchip. She enjoyed it sometimes, being able to
outsmart half the human race.
"Creatures that are smart. You're digging your own grave
now, simply stating that dogs aren't smarter than cats." He
sneered. "No wonder we're smarter." Akima smirked.
"i don't care what you say, science is not always correct, and even
the knowledge you have may not be the truth, and also, you laugh so
much but i don't see myself laughing OF you, so thats the point
cats are completely traitors and laugh everything, Ha" said
"h-hello?" said a voice peeking at the door of the laboratory
"scientist don't know everything, there are other creatures that
even know much more than us, humans are just one of the million
intelligent creatures here, cats are above them but they are in a
very low rank of intelligence
"um..im searching for something, may i pass?" asked the voice
(Did you just create a character to prove us wrong?)
1-O hissed. A beam of blue light streamed from her eyes as she
scanned Wilson. "You have not been granted access by the gaurds.
You must stay here for your lifespan or prepare for complete memory
erase. 5.. 4.. 3.."
"Memory erase cancelled. Furthere inquiry needed." 1-0 bit Wilson's
finger. Her tounge scanned his fingerprint. Her metal tooth poked
his finger, and the blood was scanned. She let go of his finger.
"Subject Wilson added to database.. Scientists receive data in
approximatley 1 minute." She said. Then she sat down and looked at
him. "Scan completed. What ae you doing here anway?"
He walked towards Clover. "I take it that you're the new guard?"
Kaoru said. "Pardon my rudeness, i'm Kaoru." He said. "Kao i'm
boreeed!" Akima said, suddenly popping up. "Aren't you
supposed to be back at your cell?" He said. "I'm gonna bleed to
death!" She hissed, reminding him of earlier. "Fine, let me take a
look at it." He said.
"I am 1-0 (one-oh), robotic cat model 228. I help gaurd the lab as
well." She said. She walked to Clover and lightly bit her finger.
Her tounge scanned the fingerprint and then she let go without
hurting Clover. "Clover added to data as 'friend'" she said.