Forum Thread
SissyFox's Art Shop (Closed)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → SissyFox's Art Shop (Closed)U get it frEEEEE
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Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
What to draw: Topaz
Drawing style: Flat colour
Extra: Be creative, m'boi- anything is fine :3c
What a lovely character! It's not too complex so I'll go with 55k please!
Edit: here it is, tell me if there any changes you would like

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
What to draw: Athena
Drawing style: Pixel
Extra: Feel free to be creative! Your art is A+++

Aww thank you! >w<
Would 100k work for you?

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
What to draw: Remus, Tod or Chusa, you can choose!
Drawing style: Pixel!
Extra: Oh, i give you every freedom, suprise me, aye? (,,´ v `,,)

Oh what a lovely collection of characters ^^ Remus looks a lil lonely with only one drawing, I could draw him for 130k, would that be ok with you?

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Here is your commission:
I apologize for it not looking as good as it should, I had finished it last night, but my phone didn't save it so I had to start all over again

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
What to draw: x
Drawing style: Pixel
Extra: Your style is beautiful! You may make her anthro or feral, but please feel free to get creative with it <3
Awww she's so pretty! Would 100k be alright?

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Here is your commission:

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Here is your commission
I'll be closing the shop for a while to work of personal things

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Username: CatLady
What to draw: either both twins or Lady Cat ;w; Whichever you feel like drawing the most~
Drawing style: Flat color please
Extra: Twins - Could you draw them playing with a volleyball?
Lady Cat - Just give her a nice outfit, if you have the inspiration ^^
As for anything else [pose, background,...] feel free to do whatever you feel like :3
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!