Forum Thread
SissyFox's Art Shop (Closed)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → SissyFox's Art Shop (Closed)
Welcome! I am temporarily reopening my old art shop to help me improve my skills
What I will do:
Uh-oh, outdated examples incoming
Full drawing:

Drawing may have colored lines upon

Character belongs to ShinyNinetales
Drawing may also have a simple background upon request:

Character belongs to Arahkan

Character belongs to ShinyNinetales
Drawing may also have a simple background upon request:

Character belongs to Arahkan
Custom sprite:
Profile Pals
[color=ivory][size=10][B]Username: [/b]
[B]What to draw: [/b] (Put your ref sheet here)
[B]Drawing style: [/b] (Full drawing/pixel/Profile Pal)
[B]Price: [/b]
[B]Extra: [/b] (what you want it to feature, size, your favorite kind of cookie, etc)
[B]What to draw: [/b] (Put your ref sheet here)
[B]Drawing style: [/b] (Full drawing/pixel/Profile Pal)
[B]Price: [/b]
[B]Extra: [/b] (what you want it to feature, size, your favorite kind of cookie, etc)
For more examples you can see my and DeviantArt (links in my signature and contact links)
1. Mimi - 250k - Unpaid - Sketching
(I use Autodesk Sketchbook for my drawings and Pixely for my pixel art)
Process: Sketching -> lining -> coloring -> extra -> finished

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Character to draw (referance):A girl pegasus with braided brown hair dual colours (dark brown streaked with light brown)
Style: Colored (hair only! I don't want to trouble you with my order) and simple background? Just a light colored shading will be fine
Anything else? Yup! That's all! Since I think my order is quite troublesome I send extra tip when you come back online ^w^

My Plooshie! Pegasus, Drake, Skiddo

Would you like it to be shaded as well? And don't worry about tipping, I'm fine.

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Here is the drawing:

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Character to draw(reference):
Style:color with shading :>
Anything else?: if it's too much I could tip <3

Thank you for taking interest in my art, but I need to be paid before I start.
Also I can scan my pictures onto my computer now so I get better quality

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Sorry that it came out so light, Idk how to darken it

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Character to draw (referance):

Style: Color with Shading.
Anything else?: Thank you so much, you are an amazing artist!
Thank you! ^^
Thank you too ^^ but I also much tell you that I can not start untill after I get paid (just precaution)
I'm sorry but if I dont get paid by the time I'm done with my current drawing, your order will be cancelled

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter