Forum Thread
[A] 420-Blaziken-It's Birthday Art Contest (CLOSED)
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [A] 420-Blaziken-It's Birthday Art Contest (CLOSED)So it's almost my birthday (30th May) and I feel like hosting a raffle ^^ Just for the fun of it ouo All you have to do is follow the topics I gave you to produce an artwork and submit it before Saturday, 30th of May 2015 00:00 server time.
(Also if you're interested in submitting an artwork please comment below so I can estimate the amount of entries, thanks!)
(I might add more depending on the submissions, number of participants or if there's anything worth adding)

2nd place: Rotom + Star Piece + 30000PD (7+ participants total)

3rd place: Celebi + Gold Key + 5000PD (5+ participants total)


Participation prize: 50000PD to divide up (when there are less than 5 participants total, the amount each person gets depends on how many people joined: eg. 2 joined --> 50k/2=25k --> eacher person gets 25k)

*Excludes mega(able)s, legendaries, genderless and event Pokemon. EHP must be below 9000. I need to have a breeding pair for it, otherwise you have to lend me the pair. See my shop for what I can breed

1. Art theft, recolors, tracing, image editing (to make it look like a drawing) is strictly prohibited. If I catch you, you are automatically disqualified and banned. If you notice a stolen piece of art submitted here, please notify me.
2. Be nice to others.
3. Only one entry per person. Your next entrie(s) will not be counted.
4. Anyone can advertise. You can do both advertising and submitting an artwork.
5. Anyone can submit an artwork
6. Follow the given prompts for submission. I will not accept artworks of other topics.
7. Submissions must be age appropriate and non-offensive. They must be submitted before the deadline.
8. Follow the above rules. You will be banned and ignored if you do not meet those requirements.
9. Prizes are not negotiable. Should winners wish to trade amongst eachother, speak to eachother and I will distribute prizes according to your agreement. If prizes are not claimed after 48 hours, new winner(s) will be chosen.
10. Ask me if you have any questions (OvO)b

Since I'm not a very popular user so my posts won't reach many people, therefore self-promotion will not work. That's where you (see I clause 4) come in! Advertise this raffle and receive either:
1. Plushie(s) worth 25 DP max
2. 1000PD
3. A free adopt from my trade boxes
You can advertise once a day. Do it as many times as you wish, you will get the choice for a prize everytime. All you have to do is to post a feed with the hashtag #BsBdayRaffle along with the link to this forum post using this format here: [ url= ]check out this raffle![/url] - You don't have to say "check out this raffle", say whatever you want! (Be sure to remove the spaces in the "[]" thing though) Be creative

1. Read the rules. They are very important.
2. Subscribe to this forum thread for any updates (and especially the results)
3. Create! Your art can either be digital or traditional. Not drawing? You can also paint or sprite or whatever! Remember to follow one of the two prompts!
4. Submit a link to your artwork here. Make sure to mention which prompt you are following and make sure to submit it before the deadline, 30/5 00:00 server time!
Prompt #1: What you think I look like.
Prompt #2: What you think my favourite Pokemon is.
(You can combine them if you want I guess)

Prompt 1:
- you don’t have to make a hyper realistic artwork =)) any style would do (though hyper realistic would score the most points if you get my features right) I’m only looking for the right features: Hair color? Glasses? Piercings? Shape of face, eyes, nose? Freckles/moles/scars?
- I like this topic more so you’ll probably score more points with this :d
- If you go to my user page their might be hints
Prompt 2:
- simple enough, no explanations needed. But in theory the chance of you getting the top answer is 1/721 excluding their mega and alternate forms =))
- my favorite is not Blaziken soooooooo yeah
Last but not least, have fun (OvO)b

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Sorry Im not very good at drawing pokemon

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
- Friendly
- Shy around new people though
- Carefree
- Somewhat boyish (may not mean I look boyish tho =)) up to what you think)
- Can be irritable at times
- Doesn't like to share thoughts, secrets or feelings --> struggles to convey feelings .-.
- Ambivert (that explains the bipolar thingy I suppose)
- Adaptable
- Nerd that likes sports :v
Happy Early B-Day though! (Mine was on the 2nd, yay for May birthdays! lol)
But man...I wish there was more hints on Prompt 2 xD that's gonna drive me insane lmao! Even a region or type would have helped lmao.
@kanarichan: see the chances of getting the answer I have in mind is 1/720 (1 eliminated as I mentioned in the hints) but I will choose from the list of Pokemon submitted which one I like best and which artwork is of high quality :))
Might as well drop a hint anyway: I choose my pokemon based on aesthetics than battle ability since I don't battle :v might as well look at cute/cool/pretty looking ones ;)