Name: Anhiryu
Age: Adult
Gender: F
Appearance: A light colored brown wolf with a white muzzle and
green eyes. Anhiryu wears grey headphones on her neck.
Rank: Mystic Circle Guard
Other: She likes to venture out for awhile just to collect things
or find excitement amongst the forest wolves.
Light was walking around the camp when he heard some wolves
gossiping about seeing a black wolf. An idea formed in his mind as
the glider smirked.
Star noticed Anhiryu but dismissed the thought. "Least I have
her..." He mutters.
Lyrics pounced on the elk before it went past the border. She
killed it by strangling the elk. It was gorey, but had to be done.
She wanted to check the Heart Stone so she padded towards the cave.
Anhiryu walks silently around the mountainous area. She sighs
silently walking out of the area to the valley where she can see
both the desert and forest.
"Those Dark Ones always get on my nerves. Seems as though they'll
never learn why they're banished." She shakes her head and walks
further around the mountains.
Star was bored, so he wandered around until he saw a tree.
Underneath it lay a flower on a pile of dirt. That was the grave of
the old leader, Flare. He felt his throat get dry from memories.
The wolf picked a flower and put it next to the other one. He just
stared at the grave of his old friend.
Lyrics saw the Heart Stone shining as brightly as ever. "Good." She
said and padded back to camp. She placed the elk in the pile and
went back hunting.
Light was bored out of his mind, so he went over to the king. The
king gave him a task to kill and bring one wolf here, preferably a
black wolf. He smirked as he was teleported to the bridge. The
glider went up a mountain and looked around.
Night looked around her sroundings and saw a rabbit. The rabbit
took off as night went after it. She snapped at it's legs and bit
one of them. She bit down hard as she could and threw it in the
air. As the rabbit fell down she jumped up and bit down I it's
lungs making it die.
do it! I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways
She overheard the attack Night made to her prey and turns. Anhiryu
studied her closely noticing her black fur.
"She's not a Dark One but I think I should keep a closer eye."
Knowing those wolves they're possibly after the black wolves of
the island. Gritting her teeth, she sits near a rock observing
her actions.
(Hawk paw- To one of your earlier replies. You have silver wings on
your back/brb I'm making sand pack)
Light saw Night and glided towards a mountain near the loner. He
sat in the shadows, unseen by both wolves.
Star looked at the grave with dull, blue eyes. He felt horrible
after remembering how she died. "I can't do this to myself." The
mystic mutters and pads off.
(Okay that's for telling me. By the way S.C.A stands for snow cloud
and angel :P yes I did)
Night looked around and picked the brown rabbit up and hid in a
bush. She looked around after she went inside. Night sighed to
herself "another rabbit. But no one to share it with!" After her
upset ness she ate the rabbit
do it! I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways
A sharp pain in Anhiryu's chest alerted her of a danger nearby.
"Why does this happen so sudden... But I guess there's a good thing
about it," looking around, quickly, she knew that a Dark One was
hiding amongst her and the strange loner.
Name: Sunrise
Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Appearance: All black with red legs and red ears, with a red
tail-tip. A wielder with a sword.
Rank: DO
Other: Midnights dead sister.
If it would make you happy,
I'll give my most precious thing to you.
Even if it turns out we can't meet for
a second time,
A smile will always bloom in my heart.
(Well I'm lost so)
Moon heard a sudden rustle of a nearby bush and jumped to her paws.
She approached the bush and pounced, then landed on a mouse, which
she killed with one bite. She stepped back, disappointed. "I need
something bigger than this.." She growled and went deeper into the
forest to find better prey.