Forum Thread
Mega Retros
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Mega Retros

So, no support from me.
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
They're meant to be one-stage pokemon that dont evolve, so Riako will not make them suddenly capable of evolving for any reason. A Megable Retro pokemon is indeed useless, technically, but that doesnt mean Riako would have to either code the mega power out of them somehow or make megas for them. The only megable non-normal pokemon that are capable of mega evolution are Event Pokemon and that is how it should remain.
"A world where maybe the evolution of Pokémon took a slightly different path, where Mega Evolution is unknown... A world where that war 3,000 years ago...never happened. A world where the ultimate weapon was never even built. And in that Hoenn of that world" -Zinna
this states that the gba-ds games are not in the same time or place as the Mega pokemon game thus the retro should not and canot mega evolve also
"Please do not suggest ways to get new Pokémon/evolve Pokémon.
We're already working on adding all missing Pokémon and all of them will be added sooner or later" -Riako
this means this suggestion should not be here and will be moved into rejected

but anyways here's what Riako said:
So sorry no support it doesn't effect me that much & it might be available in the future

As it is stated in PH-Wiki so we have to wait for it.
Also Riako has coded a mega-able bubble along it so I guess It will be available in near of far future.

I don't think Riako even updates the Wiki so that statement might just be speculation by one of the Wiki Helpers.
either way, I don't think Mega-Retros should exist because of how ridiculously hard it would be to get one for the dex, considering you need retro vouchers to get the eggs, which are only obtained from buying premium memberships of 1 month or higher which is a minimum of 800 nuggets.
Suggested here
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