Forum Thread
BladerX Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → BladerX Diary:Avatar:

here is what I wanted to
[color=green][size=12][center] [/color] [/size] [/center]
To change the color of visitors text at the bottom of your PH profile.
Note:Use it under the code of custom widget code if you have custom widget.
If any question regarding to this,Palpad me freely ^_^
I guess that's it c:
[color=green][size=12][center] [/color] [/size] [/center]
To change the color of visitors text at the bottom of your PH profile.
Note:Use it under the code of custom widget code if you have custom widget.
If any question regarding to this,Palpad me freely ^_^
I guess that's it c:

Bob Guy

Title: (Cooking time)
Grewia asiatica(Also known as Phalsa) x A full bowl
White Sugar x Equal to the amount of Phalsa
Pulp of Jamun fruit(Chilled) x About a small glass
:Precautionary Measures:
Wash your hands thoroughly.
Lift utensils carefully.
Ask you Parents/Guardian before making it.
Ingredients (Phalsa &Jamun) are rare and a little expensive.
Take the Grewia asiatica in a small bowl.Add equal amount of sugar in it.Mash it using your hands.Now when it is completely mashed and mixed,take chilled Pulp of Jamun fruit and pour it about 5 tablespoons in bowl.And there you are done! Wash your hands and lets eat it up :P
My own made Sweet Phalsa Dish !

I joined on the Riako's birthday.......
My first friend was Vanillite1..........
Don't know who was second
One day I met Madison,She was lonely at that time but when I met her,I found that she was very cute,caring and adorable.
She gifted me a cute retro pokemon,and PD coz I was newbie at that time.
I tried to return the favours with mega able saybleye but can't return her love <3
Soon we became fast friends.Due to some circumstances we had to be separate but after some days we became best,I mean the cute lovely,like couple O////O.
Next....... Hmmmm lets think, Yeah I also met User.He was another awesome guy,very friendly,and caring too <3
How can I forget my little bros Squirtle002,Mega_absol and Ash_Kalos.
Ash_kalos went offline for a month due to his exams.I hope he succeed with great grades.
Squirtel002 came online after a long leave coz he was suffering from Hepatitis.I am happy he is healthy again.
Oh and I also met Star-o-Light,she is like a flaffy queen,and amazing artist <3
Mimi-Chan was also one of my good friends :3 I consider her as my senpai.
I gifted my senpai a Mega able Gardevoir on her birthday <3
I have gifted 4x Pokesonas to different friends of mine.
Pastelyne and Aya-Devias are also two little girls ,both favorite food is Cake xD
Hmm... oh and Xstarhero.He is my DBZ and beybalde fan bro.I love him as I love DBZ and Beybalde.
Clementine,Bakka,Furret,Lighty_luna are also cute women <3
Gabe is like my big bro <3 I love him soo much.
Haruto is a new user,She is also cute and clumsy like me (I am more clumsy) <3 and I love that.
And Gummi is also a cute girl,I think she is a music fan <3 hahaha I like music (A little tho xD)
And there are sooo many of my friends that I met and I can't explain all of 'em here,all of them are friendly<3 I love them all.
Once I got dengue,it was really sever But my friends specially Gabe,squirtle002,eryani,soulrepublic and madison gave me courage to fight against it,Thank God I am perfect now <3
I want to stay here with all of them till the very end and have fun,but fate has decided something else,I didn't expected to have this much fun that I will get addicted to this game,I will be very sad after leaving,My annual exams are next month in June end,so I have to leave all this for it,I also have to go back to my homeland (Pakistan) after exams and to apply for an assistant so I can get more experience to deal with patients.......
It would be really sad,But I have also got a little bro and cute old parents to support <3
I don't want to tell it to anyone and make anyone feel sad bcoz of me,they all love me soo much.I can't return their favors,I am bad, I hope they will forgive this sinful friend

Hier mal eine deutsche Botschaft, da ich gerade zu faul bin, um den Google Übersetzer zu benutzen:
Wie süß, Blaze! Q______Q Das rührt mich echt! Wenn du zurück nach Parkistan musst, ist es dann halt so, ne? Aber ich freu mich auf deine eventuelle Rückkehr >///////<

Hunt started: 17/05/2015
BladerX is currently hunting Sentret.

Congratulations! A shiny Sentret hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #123)!
Gifted to my Friend <3

Hunt started: 23/05/2015
BladerX is currently hunting Torchic.

Congratulations! A shiny Torchic hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #40)!
Ayee my precious Soul <3
Willing to raffle it out before I leave.

Hunt started: 28/05/2015
BladerX is currently hunting Espurr.

Congratulations! A shiny Espurr hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #70)!
Yes ^^ my dream came true xD
Gift for a friend <3

Hunt started: 05/06/2015
BladerX is currently hunting Buneary.

Chain: 105
(0 Shinies hatched so far.)
Oh no, your chain of Buneary broke! A freshly hatched Igglybuff resetted your PokéRadar!
that was irritating chain indeed >.<

Hunt started: 21/06/2015
BladerX is currently hunting Igglybuff.

Chain: 11
(0 Shinies hatched so far.)

OvO Hello everyone OuO
I'm leaving this site soon so I want to raffle away everything nice I have got ^^
~Welcome to my raffle~
.Everyone can Join this raffle
.One entry per person
.Copy the code given below and paste it in your news feeds(Don't delete it until raffle ends)
.Raffle ends on June 29th
.Don't post anything in here
.No special requirements
.And that is all
.If you need any help regarding to this PalPad/PM me ^^
Copper Prize
50 nuggets
Sliver Prize
Maxed reached stats

Title: June 8th,2015
I am watching a really bad news on TV and Net and I can't help it at all,
I am pretty sure about the annual exams that I'll pass 'em with no trouble in good grades.

