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Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Welcome to the Corp. (Private Group)
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 21:15 (9 Years ago)
Stein was glad to know he would be able to add more to his team. He hadn't been so sure what would happen, he'd seen many Rangers who didn't have a full team. He was also glad to know that his Houndour was more special than he seemed, he was afraid Croix was lazy, bu he liked his Houndour. He still wasn't so sure on the Pidgey his brother gave him, he was kind of bad, but he hadn't have him any commands so wasn't even sure if he'd listen to him or not. He continued thinking about that as they walked away from the town.

He felt a strange sensation and also took note of Keiran and Neto, and Dimitrious and Hope. He kind of wished he had his Houndour out. I've never seen a shiny before he was close enough to hear Keiran say something about how this isn't normally how they should act. He had to agree that it was strange to see a group fighting amongst itself like this.

He did as Dimitrous commanded, but he wished again that he had his own partner out, though he felt safe at the moment amongst his mentor's Pokemon and Nero. He let his hand fall idly onto his belt, landing on one of his Pokeballs. I can't risk letting either of them out, could cause too much trouble

He was surprised the Tauros could hear the whistle, he paused to look at the group of Pokemon and then followed the group. He wished he could own a shiny, it was strange to see a pokemon of a different color and knew it be very hard for him to ever find one.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 00:06 (9 Years ago)
He kept himself between his trainers and Hope, the cat soon growling as the shiny Furret turned to look at them; it seemed torn for a few moments, ears twitching as if it wanted to fight them off or run, but when the female took the moments distraction to run off with the Sentret, it too followed. Though it was puffing and growling the whole way before disappearing into the brush. "Nothing we can do about it now. I'll send a message to the local Rangers to keep an eye out later." He told the two, looking to see Stein resting a hand on one Pokeball. "This is one reason most Rangers have one of their team with them, but not everyone does mind you. Keep them in their balls or let one or the other out, it's your decision but stand by it. It doesn't help second guessing something after its already passed." he hoped he was giving some decent advice to Stein, but he wasn't too sure as turned around to see his three returning.

He patted Basava as the bull trotted over, looking just a bit miffed as he huffed and snorted loudly before settling. Sun and Moon both blounded behind him, the Espeon smiling widely as she rubbed her cheek against one of Dimitri's legs and meowed softly. Moon sat at his feet, holding something in his mouth as he waited, sitting as still as a statue before the object was pulled gently out of his mouth. He soon crouched down on the ground and looking over at Keiran and Stein, eyeing ten curiously now that he didn't have orders. Sun, becoming a bit jealous, strode over to Stein and sat down to beg him for attention, ignoring Moon as he sneezed in agitation. "She doesn't mind being held, if you're not shy about her. Moon tends to bite but feel free to pick him up if either of you'd like to, just watch when he wants down. Looks like he brought back some kind of... Transmitter? Radio? I'm not sure. It's working still. Either of you have skills with electronics?" he asked as Hope swished her tail playfully at Nero, Moon pouncing after.

Dimitrious watched his Pokemon for a minute, then looked to the two men. He decided against saying anything as his Pokemon attempted to mingle with the others, knowing they'd be better off learning that Ranger teams weren't at all the most serious of Pokemon. If they expected a complete lack of play they were in the wrong job. Instead he held out the device; it was simple in design, an small metal box about the size of his palm, with a yellow light in one corner and a few buttons near the middle. They were unmarked but it would be easy enough to disable the device if need be. "And don't ask me about it. When it comes to things like this, I tend to prefer a hammer to anything else for a quick fix."
Trying is the key to making it through life.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 11/05/2015 00:00 (9 Years ago)
Keiran kept his hand on Nero's back, murmuring quietly to him not to attack first, to wait; the cat flicking his ears uncertainly but obeying the instruction. Finally the shiny furret and its family fled, taking most of the moment's tension with them; the lingering anxiety over such aberrant behavior didn't leave as quick, but Keiran for the moment pushed it aside. Glad he'd chosen to keep Nero out of his pokeball, he listened quietly as Dimitrious spoke to Stein, asking afterwards, "Have you ever seen behavior like that before, sir?"

The arrival of Basava was slightly intimidating thanks to the Tauros' size and obvious strength, and Keiran wondered idly how much work it took to earn the loyalty of such an independant creature. The twins, however, seemed much more friendly. "Hello, Moon," Keiran murmured with a slight smile, reaching carefully to pet the Umbreon who sat watching him. It wasn't an exact science, but he read the small body signals, the slant of eyes and tilt of ears, to use as a judge for where best to scratch; Keiran was just like that with Pokemon.

Electronics, not so much. Brows drawing together at the radio, Keiran stood as Moon bounded off, half an ear on Nero's inquisitive 'rrrr' noise at Hope to make sure they stayed friendly. "Well, I can't tell you more than what you just said, sir... but aren't there ways of tracing a signal from a radio like that, with the right equipment? Someone in town might be able to..."
"Despite everything, it's still you.
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Mon, 11/05/2015 02:40 (9 Years ago)
Stein nodded silently as he listened to his mentor's wise words. At that point he heard the thunderous hooves of Basava coming toward them. Stein was still a bit skidding around this creature based off of previous encounters, but he was trying to let go of his feelings.

He saw the two Eveelutions coming with the device in Moon's mouth. It looked strange, but he's seen similar devices before but all had different uses. He watched as Sun came over to him. "Alright, I guess I'll give you you're attention" he bent down and picked up Sun tentatively not expecting it to go easy despite what Dimitrious said. He began rubbing on the Pokemons neck and listening to the group.

"I wonder who placed it here, poachers maybe? I mean it seemed to only affect the shiny. Maybe there is a link there, or maybe not, it could have been upset about something else"

He continued to rub on Sun who lounged in his arms.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 16/05/2015 21:33 (9 Years ago)
As soon as the word 'sir' came out, he was only half listening as his face held a slight grimace. He was aware of what Keiran said, but he withheld an irritated sigh. "Don't call me sir. I'm not that old, kid. Just because you're both newly graduated doesn't mean you're any less a Ranger. We're equals in rank, we all have names. But no, not to that extreme I haven't in a wild Pokemon." he snapped his fingers as Nero seemed to get a bit agitated with his own cat, and Hope pinned her ears back playfully, his tail flicking before she pounced away and onto Moon. The Umbreon yowled angrily as Hope pinned him down and biy at him playfully, soon squeezing away and hiding behind Basava with flat ears.

When Stein pointed out that there may be a possible link between the radio and the shiny Pokemon, his interest grew more focused. The wheels of his mind turned quicker, and he racked his brain for anything that he may have come across in the past of heard from another. "if they are linked, then we can't take this to anyone in town. No telling if the person we take it to may have placed it to begin with. Basava, break it." he told the bull as he tossed it toward him. With one stamp of his hoof the device fizzled out into nothing with a huge crack am running through it. "Poachers may have, but I don't see many who spend as much as they would have to for something like that nowadays. It's easier to buy a shipment of high grade balls and just start throwing them out than it would be to try and find a shiny with something like that. Let's keep moving anyway, just keep an eye out."
Trying is the key to making it through life.
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sun, 17/05/2015 01:04 (9 Years ago)
Stein shook his head in agreement. It would have cost a pretty penny to develop such a machine. He kept pondering to himself about who might have placed the device.

Before moving he carefully took one arm from around Sun and grabbed Croix's Pokeball. After Pressing the center button, which released his partner in a shower of red light, he placed it back on his belt. " I figure it's better to have you out this time bud, I'd have Zeke out too, but I feel he needs a bit more training. Just play nice with all the cats. he noted how his Houndour cocked his head to the side slightly at the sight of Sun in his arms, and with a small huff fell into his owners stride. Stein went back to rubbing Sun after making sure to give Croix some attention as well.
maybe I'll carry you a bit later, you are lighter of i remember correctly. that seemed to satisfy his partner more.

Where are we headed now?

As he asked he continued his thought on the device. Was Team Rocket still around in the shadows? Or another group he'd heard tale of ,from other regions, starting to make their way here? He new groups like the ones he'd been with didn't have the resources for something like this.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 31/05/2015 04:59 (9 Years ago)
He was just about to answer Steins question about where they were headed to when he felt a presence teleporting ahead of them. It was quite common for another Ranger with a psychic Pokemon to locate another and give messages, as were birds if they had one of course. A Kirlia came into view a second later and dipped down as she held out a letter, Dimitriois taking it and reading it quickly. It seemed Keiran was needed elsewhere, family business of some sort. Informing the young man he assured him that he and his team would be alright to go, and if they had he chance they could always come back or train with another Ranger.

When they blipped out of eyesight, thanks to the Kirlia, he turned to Stein after watching his Pokemon meander a short distance ahead of them. "just you and me now, Stein. We're headed for the Lake of Rage, been getting some odd reports and was asked to look into things. Not too sure of the reports but we'll find out when we get there. They said it was pretty obvious what we'd be looking for."
Trying is the key to making it through life.