Forum Thread
1x1 with BlackScorpion2
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → 1x1 with BlackScorpion2

I opened my eyes and sighed, "Haven't you heard? A dragon always has one last trick up his SLEEVE!" I got up in fury and hit him with a raging Dual chop attack, "It seems I now know the move 'Out rage'.....what do you wanna do NOW?!" I used Flamethrower as I said the last word. Something very dark had come over me, I could not control myself, it seems as if my body was moving on it's own.

Someone, anyone please Help!

OOC: Sorry gotta go so I'll post tomorrow~

OOC: Here's the original version, if you want to read it

Maver sat down next to Lucifer, and
sighed "You finally met somebody stronger, didn't you? Well, i'll
be around if you feel like you need a good challenge, or just want
to get stronger"
You can have your character react to either version, if you want ^_^
By the way.... Bisharp (at least Maver, anyways), if in battle, will put a foot on their opponent if (Bisharp) think they've won
OOC: Woot, I am sorry for not posting, I get off-track once in a while :P
And I don't get the versions part, sorry :(

I took some heavy breaths and flinched as I grabbed my stomach, it was hurting like hell. The pain was pulsating from the minor point and went through my whole body in the forms of huge killer tidal-waves. I managed to cough out, "Y-yes....p-please!" and suffered some more. It seemed as if I would die any moment. Just as soon as I was about to pass out I heard a voice speak from deep inside of me, Get up you coward! I am need of more energy, a better medium to host me within himself. I never signed up for possessing something as pathetic as you... but I was still sensing stuff, still suffering from the pain. The only thing that I managed to do was to look at Maver one last time and speak in a calmer way, "He is alive...he is...alive" and every-thing went black.
OOC: The bold and italics is basically a spirit that had possessed Lucifer, he sometimes controls him and is the reason why the dragon id far more stronger when angry or pissed-off. (ya don't wanna mess with him then O.O)
Is this post long? XD

With Lucifer in his dream:
The voice spoke again but this time his tone was a bit more harsh, You are really pathetic, you were born a failure and will always be one as long as you live I felt a huge wave of hatred churn inside my stomach, "what do mean? I AM A PRINCE AND I DEMAND THAT YOU SHOW YOURSELF TO ME!" the voice had a disturbing effect on the listener. Think about it, you weren't strong enough to defend your weren't good enough to defeat your brother and now you suffer like a miserable rattata, begging for are pitiful! I got angry and yelled out, "Shut up! you have..." a single tear had escaped my eyes and I had an odd feeling in my stomach, "no right to say something like that!" then I looked around in the pitch black field, trying to make some sense from all this.
OOC: Are ya gonna save me or what? :P