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"Our family tree"(zerefthedark's family only)

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP "Our family tree"(zerefthedark's family only)
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 464
Posted: Sat, 18/04/2015 16:11 (9 Years ago)
Welcome Home, my darling~

So recently our friend, zerefthedark, created a family from users all around the site, that where his friends. Now the whole family is huge, unlike he first thought... The only problem is that most of us don't know each other, only him. So to fix this I decided to create a home for our big family, a place we can go and talk, seek help, compassion, a piece of advice or share our happiness with other family members.
In short - do what all families around the world do.

Like all families do, we'll have some rules in the house:
(I put my trust in ya, so ya better read them, even if ya don't like it....)

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- all PH rules apply
- your first post has to be the filled up form
- try to write in correct English, don't be lazy to look up the correct spelling
- please, avoid shortening words, some users might not understand the meaning of them ( there are some exceptions, like: 'cuz; 'cause; ya; and some more ( but right now I can't remember them >< ))
- this is not a rule, but a tip: I recommend subscribe to this tread and have all the family members in your friend list, so you always hear the news and don't fall behind anything
- remember that we are a family, and we're in this together, we fight, cry, make up, comfort, help, care and love each other. Well maybe we can't do all that right now, because we still don't now others, but soon we will and I'm sure it won't be a problem^^
- re-check these rules from time to time, because there might some be added

So know that we got over the boring part, let's get to the fun~
To make thing easier, I made a form, like this talking with others won't be as hard and everyone will be able to get the main picture of you. I'll also make a family tree, although you're already in the family ( otherwise you shouldn't have even come here ), I will only add you to it, after you fill up the form, alright?
The first post form

[b]Who you are in the family[/b]:*
[b]Your hobbies[/b]:
[b]Your age( optional )[/b]:
[b]Your birthday[/b]:
[b]Your likes and dislikes[/b]:
[b]Any suggestions to make our home a better place?[/b]:
[b]Favorite pokemon, why?[/b]:
[b]Any other notes you wish to include[/b]:

* If you are one of the sisters, please include witch one you are ( firstborn, secondborn,...nineborn, ect. )

This is all for now, but if you have any ideas how to make our home better, more welcoming or have anything you wish to add, notify me. I'll make sure it is done~
Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Sat, 18/04/2015 16:41 (9 Years ago)
Who you are in the family:*well this is my family xD
Your hobbies:well mainly eat sleep ph and yaa eating sleeping xD pretty much it
Your age( optional ):well you guys know how old am i
Your birthday: 18/February
Your likes and dislikes: love my friends likes my enemies and dislikes nothing
Any suggestions to make our home a better place?:my home is the sweeties and the perfect in my way and nothing is imperfect
Favorite pokemon, why?: infernape and gerninja cause they pretty much is me
Any other notes you wish to include: well i hope every thing goes as i planned
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 464
Posted: Sat, 18/04/2015 16:54 (9 Years ago)
Who you are in the family:*zerefthedark's father (just for the fun~)
Your hobbies:well I love drawing, anime, and I like to listen to music...
Your age( optional ):17
Your birthday: March 25th
Your likes and dislikes:I like talking with people, helping them. I dislike talking about my problems, but I know I need to do it more often and beating around the bush...
Any suggestions to make our home a better place?: If I had I would have fixed them.
Favorite pokemon, why?:Houndoom, because it's the first pokemon I fell in love with~<3
Any other notes you wish to include: I can't wait to meet all of you~ Please do palpad me when ya have free time, I'll always answer you~ You can always come to me if needed of anything, a little cheer up or a shoulder to cry on~ ^^
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 29
Posted: Sat, 18/04/2015 17:06 (9 Years ago)
Who you are in the family:Godmother
Your hobbies:Drawing, swimming, music finding, and gaming!
Your age( optional ):19
Your birthday:October 30th
Your likes and dislikes:I like shortening words but I will try to refrainnn lmao no promises yo
Any suggestions to make our home a better place?:idk minievents?
Favorite pokemon, why?:Volcarona because hell yeha firebreathing moth mother
Any other notes you wish to include:this could be really greAT! ouo
Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 05:16 (9 Years ago)
welcome to family ^^ :D here you guys are free to do what ever even anything we will help you any way we can cause well we all are family ^^ :D
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 05:24 (9 Years ago)
Username: Cute
Who you are in the family: zerefthedark's daughter XD
Your hobbies: reading novels, playing online games and eating :D
Your age( optional ): 13
Your birthday: July 24
Your likes and dislikes: I like reading or solving Math problems but I hate studying. XD
Any suggestions to make our home a better place?: Uh I don't know. XD
Favorite pokemon, why?: Bulbasaur, though it's not obvious with my avatar. :3 Because he's so cute! ><
Any other notes you wish to include: Hope we all get along… ^^
Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 05:33 (9 Years ago)
hugs my daughter xD
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 05:50 (9 Years ago)
Username: Scream
Who you are in the family: Sister of zerefthedark
Your hobbies: anything to do with horror
Your age: 22
Your birthday: 9-2-1992
Your likes and dislikes: I like foxes and wolves and I don't like people that bully.
Any suggestions to make our home a better place?: quiet nice
Favorite pokemon, why?: Umbreon because it was the first dark pokemon that I ever had and its a fox I love foxes.
Any other notes you wish to include: I'm not into talking to people I only talk to a few people.I will reply if your nice and not rude in anyway when talking to me.
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 464
Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 09:29 (9 Years ago)
It's nice to see everybody getting together~ ♥
Can I ask you, Scream, witch sister are you? like in the line of birth? Because as far as I know, there is a single sister that is older than zerefthedark, and a lot more that are younger... This nolge would help me in making the family tree~
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 09:53 (9 Years ago)
I'm a older sister of course.
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 464
Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 09:57 (9 Years ago)
Oh, okay I gotcha~ Thanks, now I'll add you to the tree (if no one minds I'll post it later today, alright?)
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 53
Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 10:14 (9 Years ago)
Username: snowpheonix
Who you are in the family:*zerefthedark's mother e.e
Your hobbies: I love movies, animes, drawing and listening to music , and much more ;3
Your age( optional ): 21
Your birthday: February 14 <3
Your likes and dislikes: um , well i kinda have many likes and dislikes..so it will be a pretty long list if i write them all..
Any suggestions to make our home a better place?: nah, i love this family the way it is <3
Favorite pokemon, why?: drifloon and every ice types
Any other notes you wish to include: I can't wait to meet all of ya too ;P ..Though i am busy this april, but we can have chat in PH night server time.. nice to meet ya everybody <3
Shiny dark pokemon collections

Trainerlevel: 64

Forum Posts: 225
Posted: Mon, 20/04/2015 02:54 (9 Years ago)
Who you are in the family: His wife~
Your hobbies: Playing games, watchin tv, listening to music, and hanging with friends
Your age( optional ): 15
Your birthday: July 7
Your likes and dislikes: Hm uh..i like food and sleeping?
Any suggestions to make our home a better place?: nope
Favorite pokemon, why?:Quilava, no idea i just liked it ever since i saw it
Any other notes you wish to include: Hi!
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 156
Posted: Mon, 20/04/2015 06:34 (9 Years ago)
Username: Aya_Drevis
Who you are in the family: daughter xD Because he has a wife
Your hobbies: Drawing, writing, playing games, singing, and listening to music xD
Your age( optional ): 13~
Your birthday: March 5~
Your likes and dislikes: Likes: Cake, Ice Cream, Chicken, art, music, Dislikes: People who think they are better than everyone
Any suggestions to make our home a better place?: Can we please say our usual online times? XD Sometimes I want to know what time someone goes online so I can talk to them about something, since I don't wanna wait for I don't know how long Dx
Favorite pokemon, why?: Mega GardevoirexD Why? I don't really remember why, but I remember being desperate to have a Ralts army in a pokemon game xD Then I liked Kirlia, then Mega Gardevoire xD
Any other notes you wish to include: Hi everyone~ :3
Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Mon, 20/04/2015 06:42 (9 Years ago)
xD my family is growing bigger <33333 i love you all ^^ :D :D :D :D
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 464
Posted: Tue, 21/04/2015 12:50 (9 Years ago)
Well, Aya Drevis, I don't really understand what you meant to say, so maybe you can PalPad me, explain a little? Than I'll see what I could do about the issue
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2015 12:25 (9 Years ago)
Who you are in the family:sister younger
Your hobbies:sleeping, watching Fairy Tail
Your age( optional ):not saying
Your birthday:not saying that
Your likes and dislikes:likes Fairy Tail, natsu, Flare .dislikes some people
Any suggestions to make our home a better place?: more sleeping
Favorite pokemon, why?: any fire type pokemon
Any other notes you wish to include: hi

Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 179
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2015 13:13 (9 Years ago)
Username: Serah
Who you are in the family: zerefthedark's sister
Your hobbies: Playing Pokemon Games, Watching Movies
Your age( optional ): you know that buddy xD
Your birthday: Feb. 21
Your likes and dislikes: likes Pokemon, Fairy-Type, Gardevoir. dislikes Steel-Type xD
Any suggestions to make our home a better place?: helping each other
Favorite pokemon, why?: Gardevoir because she is so beautiful, strong, and cute
Any other notes you wish to include: Hi

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 95
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2015 17:55 (9 Years ago)
Username: hasilisah
Who you are in the family:* sister
Your hobbies: horseriding, playing piano, doing dangerous sports xD
Your age( optional ): 15
Your birthday: 8 september
Your likes and dislikes: i like animals and jummy food :3 i hate people who think they are better than others and normal bread... yuk
Any suggestions to make our home a better place?:add a fireplace ^^
Favorite pokemon, why?: leafeon, cuz its cute and green
Any other notes you wish to include: Batleaf OvO
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 155
Posted: Thu, 23/04/2015 10:27 (9 Years ago)
Username: danielle102 (you can call me Daniëlle and btw thats my real name)
Who you are in the family: older sister
Your hobbies: pokemon and horses
Your age( optional ): 19
Your birthday: 17 august
Your likes and dislikes: like to help others, hates people that think or do that they are better than everyone
Any suggestions to make our home a better place?: I WANT HORSES AT HOME
Favorite pokemon, why?: ponyta/rapidash because i like horses a lot and they are so quick and strong same as me (the strong part, i'm not so quick)
Any other notes you wish to include: meet the family in real life :)