your username:niki1407 Gem/human/creature you will rp as:Pearl Additional info(you only need one fact here) "Why wont you let
me do this thing for you Rose!?" Other:"the smart one"
In the meantime Pearl found a way in! But as soon as she stepped in
she saw a horrible monster! She screamed and tried to get out but
the door has disappeared!As soon as she grabbed her spear she saw
another way out!She starts hitting the monster,but it was to
strong!She was so frustrated that she shouted :"This is for you
Rose!!".She started running towards the monster and she stabbed the
monster in the head!The monster puffed and she bubbled the gem!
She got out of a room and entered a strange hallway!She started
running and shouting :"Steven,Amethyst,Garnet!!!!".But she heard
nothing.She continued running and wondering what could have
happened to them!