Forum Thread
Red's Sprites (now open!)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Red's Sprites (now open!)I have done some spriting before, and I decided to open my very own sprite shop! Now, for the most part, I am still a noob at spriting, but I AM good. Or at least good enough. If you need an example, look at my avatar.

It may not be fancy, but it is nice!
Now, here is what I can do! Copy the forms and fill them in, and then you're ready to go!
Also, if you want to now what "sprite" means, scroll past all the examples.
My Pokemon has no shading!

Description: I removed all shading and changed the lines to black.
My Pokemon's lines are one color!

Description: I changed all the lines to one particular color. In this case, the color is yellow.
[b]Line Color:[/b]
My Pokemon has switched colors!

Description: I changed the colors. The primary color for this one is red, while the secondary color is yellow. Please note that you can pick as many secondary colors as there are different colors on the pokemon you chose.
[b]Primary Color:[/b]
[b]Secondary Color(s):[/b]
My Pokemon is evil!

Description: I changed the eyes. Literally the easiest sprite to make by far.
My Pokemon is a silhouette!

Description: I changed the pokemon to a colored silhouette. I picked pink for this example.
Now you are probably wanting me to explain what I mean by sprite on the form. If you go to Bulbapedia, you can see a bunch of sprites from different Pokemon games. To make these sprites, I saved the Bulbapedia sprite and redesigned it, because unfortunately, I'm not yet good enough to make these sprites completely from scratch. Now, the point is, you get to choose which game I take the sprite from. But don't worry: if you don't know what to choose, leave it empty. I'll just use the Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire sprites.
Now, here is a full list of everyone who has gotten a sprite!
Now, although I work for free, a tip of items/pokedollar/nuggets or anything else you can think of is appreciated greatly and will put you on this list!
Now, here are the rules!
These rules are not made to be broken, but followed.
Do not use the sprites I make without my permission.
Similarly, do not use the sprites I made for other users without their permission.
Put a smiley after your username to show that you read the rules!
Do not rush me, I have a life.
Follow all site rules.
Don't be a jerk.
I reserve the right to cancel your order or ban you from my shop if you do not follow the rules.
Also, here is a list of people who were to good to follow the rules and got banned!
Thanks for visiting, and be sure to order a sprite today! Or tomorrow... or whenever you think it's necessary :)