Golden blinked. "Of course not! No one will hurt you!" He beamed.
"I don't even know why you would be scared at all.." He flipped his
ears out of his face.
Golden rolled his eyes. "Then introduce yourself! I just wanted to
play anyways, so why don't you play with all of us?" He barked.
(Oh another golden retriever yey)
Pipley hears a crunch from outside. He goes out, only to find a
tree branch crushing a baby squirrel. He ran as fast as he could,
ramming the tree branch, hurting him, but nearly shattering the
tree branch. He easily scratched it-making it shatter into pieces.
The squirrel was half-flattened, but still alive. He brought the
baby squirrel in, and ran into the kitchen to get some gauze. He
came back with a small strip of it, enough to wrap around the baby
squirrel. He did so, and put the squirell on the couch, on top of a
pillow. He let it rest, and then falls asleep himself, on the
cushion of the couch that the pillow that the squirrel was on.
Golden watched Pipley help the squirrel and sighed. "I guess not
today.." He dragged his paws on until he found Tiny again. "Hi!
Wanna play?" He barked.
Tiny saw the puppy work but she keep on walking and saw the
squrriel as her mouth water at the small squrriel. She sook her
head and asked "wait what did you say. Is it me or does that
squrriel look yummy.."
Zion walked in with mud on him and said "I fell in some mud.." He
saw Fancy and snook behind him. Zion smirked this is going to be
good. He jumped on fancy leaving jus all over him
do it! I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways
Golden frowned. He glanced at the squirrel, then blinked, realizing
what Tiny was thinking. "No, you don't! Do not hurt that baby
squirrel!" He barked. He turned to Fancy, hearing him. "What do you
mean 'yuck?'"
Pipley woke up, to see Tiny licking her lips. He growled and said
"You'll never get the baby squirrel!!! He was already almost killed
by a thick tree branch!!"
Golden glared at Fancy. "Don't hurt others!!" He barked angrily and
headbutted his side with force that sent him to the ground. "Let's
not start a fight again, and let's not hurt each other." He growled
in his face.
"That didn't even hurt!" He growled as he ran next to him and
rubbed mud on his face and said "also you said I dare ya!" He
laughed as he walked off kicked the mud off his paws on fancy
Tiny looked at the squrriel again and said "can't stop a fox from
instancs sorry.." She looked away and turned to golden "wha?"
do it! I'm perfect and your perfect in your our little ways