Forum Thread
Pokémon High School(Taking Students)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokémon High School(Taking Students)

No. 1 - If I you will behave in an
indisciplined way you will be restricted.
No. 2 - There will be 12 grades .From 1st to 5th grade you will be considered as Primary student,from 6th to 8th grade you will be considered as a Junior,from 9th to 12th grade , you will be considered as a Senior and when you graduates you will be an Admin like me.
No. 3 - There will be 2 battles and 2 quizzes for promotion to next standard.
No. 4 - Each of the above tasks will happen alternatively(ex.-quiz will happen first and then battle will be there and then quiz and then battle.
No. 5 - You will rewarded with 2k PDs when you gets a promotion.
No. 2 - There will be 12 grades .From 1st to 5th grade you will be considered as Primary student,from 6th to 8th grade you will be considered as a Junior,from 9th to 12th grade , you will be considered as a Senior and when you graduates you will be an Admin like me.
No. 3 - There will be 2 battles and 2 quizzes for promotion to next standard.
No. 4 - Each of the above tasks will happen alternatively(ex.-quiz will happen first and then battle will be there and then quiz and then battle.
No. 5 - You will rewarded with 2k PDs when you gets a promotion.

My school name as a teacher:
I will pay fees for being a teacher:1000 PD(It is set)
My age:
My gender:
My school name as a teacher:
I will pay fees for being a teacher:1000 PD(It is set)
My age:
My gender:
its a form of mine please don't copy the same
My school name:Puru Sir
My age:13
My gender:Male
Current students:
Remember that use of any Pokémon wiki is prohibited .
Evolution line of bagon:
Evolution line of van bagon:
Evolution line of lilleep:
Evolution line of kalos starters:
Evolution line of Unova Starters:
This test contains 10 marks and first one to order will get marks out of 10 and second one will get out of 9 marks.Start
Evolution line of van bagon:van bagon,don't know,sela de menchi
Evolution line of lilleep:i don't know which is this pokemon
Evolution line of kalos starters:chespin,qualidin,chesnaught,fennekin,braxien,delphox,froakie,froadigier,greninja
Evolution line of Unova Starters:snivy,servine,serpirior,tepig,pignite,emboar,oshawott,dewott,samurott