Aqua doesn't pay much atencion to the new person " hi " 'well it's
gone now but I need to find out what's happening here ' she turns
around and starts heading to her cabin
Tyler reached the farthest part in the
woods and laid the person down. He rested his hand gently to the
young females head, feeling that she was very warm. Another soft
sigh escaped him as he lifted a leaf and wrapped it carefully
around the girls wrist. The leaf crinkled and evaporated deep into
her skin, magically. The girl instantly sprang up and Tyler gently
rested his hand on her arm to prevent her from freaking out. Of
course she still did when she saw the deer boy. Tyler gently
shushed her by running his fingers along her lips. She seemed
frightened but stared Tyler straight in the eyes, taking deep
straggled breaths. He paused for a moment then asked, "What
happened?" The girl pressed her hands against her temples and then
shook her head, obviously confused and too distressed to know the
answer. Tyler just nodded and sat back against a tree,
Username: Banette
Name: Alex
Age: 13.
Gender: Female
Why were you sent here?: Her parents wanted her to get a little
"Fresh Air" so they sent her here.
Other: She has a pet husky puppy who sleeps in her backpack.