Forum Thread
Special Rumble Areas
Forum-Index → Help → Guides → Special Rumble AreasRumbling is a essential part of daily activity in pokeheroes.
You can send upto six pokemons to different rumble areas.
Special Rumble areas are the ones that are unlocked later by doing some quests or exploring the six basic rumble areas
Here I am going to show how to unlock the special rumble areas and their features
Mossy Forest

To unlock the mossy forest you will have to explore the rumble area Silent forest till level 5
Use of Mossy forest:-
You can send eevee into mossy forest if you want it to evolve to Leafleon.It takes 20-80 min to evolve and then 30min to return again.
Snowy Mountains

To unlock the Snowy Mountains you will have to explore the rumble area Rocky cave till level 5
Use of Snowy Mountains:-
You can send eevee into Snowy Mountains if you want it to evolve into Glaceon.It takes 20-80 min to evolve and then 30min to return again.

To unlock the Playground you will have to explore the rumble area Windy Priare till level 5
Use of Playground:-
You can send eevee into Playground if you want it to evolve into Sylveon.It takes 20-80 min to evolve and then 30min to return again.
Lightstone Cave

To unlock Lightstone cave you will have to explore the rumble area Fiery Furnace till level 5
Use of Lightstone Cave:-
You can send Nosepass and Magneton can be evolved by sending them to rumble on this map.
Nosepass evolves into Probopass and Magneton evolves into Magnezone when they rumble at Lightstone cave .
Note:- Only Nosepass and Magneton can explore Lightstone cave.
The Yellow Forest

This Rumble area was only being able to unlock during the Retro Pikachu event.
The Yellow Forest can only be explored by Pichu, Satichu, Pikachu, Satochu, Raichu, Raitoshi, and Retro Pikachu.
When sending out a Pokemon to the Yellow Forest, it will have the opportunity to find a Retro Egg, which will hatch out to be a Retro Pikachu. The Pokemon may also find Tiny-mushroom.png Tiny Mushrooms, and berries. Pikachu and Pichu can also be recruited while your Pokemon is out on the mission. There is a higher chance to find a Shiny Pichu/Pikachu via rumbling in the Yellow Forest.
Sadly this rumble area was only being able to unlock at the time of retro pikachu event so those trainers who have unlocked it at the time of event can only use the rumble area.
Marine cave

This Rumble area can be explored if you have a Marine cave map
This area can only be explored by a water type pokemon
Your Pokemon will fight Kyogre in the Marine Cave. If your Pokemon wins, it will return from the mission with a Sapphire which you can use to summon Kyogre in the Ancient Cave
Terra Cave

This Rumble area can be explored if you have a Terra cave map
This area can only be explored by a fire/ground type pokemon.
Your Pokemon will fight Groudon in the Terra Cave. If your Pokemon wins, it will return from the mission with a Ruby which you can use to summon Groudon in the Ancient Cave
Sky Pillar

This Rumble area can be explored if you have a Sky Pillar map
This area can only be explored by a Flying type pokemon.
Your Pokemon will fight Rayquaza in the Sky Pillar. If your Pokemon wins, it will return from the mission with an Emerald which you can use to summon Rayquaza in the Ancient Cave
Spooky Manor

This Rumble area can be explored if you have a spooky manor map
This area can only be explored by Ghost type pokemon.
You will get a dark orb and which can be used to summon Giratina in Ancient Cave

If you have hatched a Deoxys egg (which is given to you by Prof. Rowan after completing your Hoenn dex), Rowan may randomly give you a quest to find a Brown Sack. The chance of Rowan giving you the quest is random each hour.
Once you accept the quest, he will ask you to find a Brown Sack from a specific Rumble Area. When you find the Brown Sack, you will have unlocked a new special Rumble Area which is "Space". It can only be explored by Deoxys. When sending your Deoxys to space, it has a chance of finding Star Pieces, Star Dust, or Meteorites - which are used to change Deoxys' form.
Route 102

This rumbling area was only obtainable during the ORAS clicking event. You can send Pokemon there for 24 hours in an attempt to obtain one of 3 Retro Eggs that would contain either a Retro Zigzagoon, Poochyena, or Taillow. Your Pokemon also have the ability to recruit other minor Hoenn Pokemon (such as Wurmple) alongside the possible Retro Eggs.
New Moon Island

With the New Moon Island Map you can unlock the New Moon Island rumble area.
The Full Moon Island Map can only be obtained by opening Black Mystery Boxes.
When you Pokémon has explored the area some time, it will find Darkrai and challenge it. If your Pokémon defeats Darkrai, it will travel back with a Red Lunar Wing.
At the Ancient Cave you are able to summon a Darkrai egg if the Red Lunar Wing is in your Item Bag.
Full Moon Island

With the Full Moon Island Map you can unlock the Full Moon Island rumble area.
The Full Moon Island Map can only be obtained by opening Black Mystery Boxes.
When you Pokémon has explored the area some time, it will find Cresselia and challenge it. If your Pokémon defeats Cresselia, it will travel back with a Yellow Lunar Wing
At the Ancient Cave you are able to summon a Cresselia egg if the Yellow Lunar Wing is in your Item Bag.
Volcano Cave

A Volcano Cave (Map) is an item which will unlock the Volcano Cave rumble area which can only be explored by a Fire type Pokémon.
You can obtain a Volcano Cave Map by opening Mystery Boxes
By sending out a Fire type Pokémon to explore this rumble area, it will battle Heatran. If your Pokémon wins the battle, it will return with a Magma Stone. If it loses, it will return with the map, allowing you to re-send the Pokémon to the area.
Using the Magma Stone, you are able to summon a Heatran egg in the Ancient Cave.
Hollow Space

A Hollow Space (Map) is an item which will unlock the Hollow Space rumble area which can only be explored by a Fairy type Pokémon.
By sending out a Fairy type Pokémon to explore this rumble area, it will battle Palkia. If your Pokémon wins the battle, it will return with a Lustrous Orb
Using the Lustrous Orb, you are able to summon a Palkia egg in the Ancient Cave.
Vortex of Time

A Vortex of Time (Map) is an item which will unlock the Vortex of Time rumble area which can only be explored by a Dragon type Pokémon.
By sending out a Dragon type Pokémon to explore this rumble area, it will battle Dialga. If your Pokémon wins the battle, it will return with an Adamant Orb
Using the Adamant Orb, you are able to summon a Dialga egg in the Ancient Cave.
Only Riako can say whether or not it'll ever return, though it would be unfair to new(er) players if it never does.
Only time will tell.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime
Title: To Acalm
I am still searching for the pictures of new moon island
New Moon Island

Full Moon Island

Volcano Cave

Hollow Space

Vortex of Time

.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime
The area only appears, if the map is in your Item Bag; if it's being carried by a pokémon, it won't work.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
If your pokémon fails, it'll return with a new map; if they succeed, you'll need a new map to send them to the area again.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
If so, it's a yearly event, and will be coming back :)
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!