Forum Thread
Shadow Pokémon
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Shadow PokémonWell! as you know some sites have Pokémon Pokémon in shiny shape and shadow.
However here is not so much that I wish I had here Pokemon shadow, it would be nice to have Pokemon shiny and shadow.
For you who have no idea what is Pokemon in shadow form will lead by example:

and to be aware the Pokémon can take shape even though shadow shiny, and its Spa and Atk increase
other note: Pokémon are shadow with a dark aura out, what do they look with a black spot around your body
-pokémon type dark, ghost and pisyck also are assumed to form shadow
-pokémon shadow does not turn dark or ghost type
-pokémons shadow have a special shadow sneak skill
other Pokemon shadow:

Also, how to get it or what do you obtain by getting it isn't written. So, please explain these things properly.
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This includes events, legends, and shadow pokemon.
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