Forum Thread
A Theory about Satichu
Forum-Index → Discussion → A Theory about Satichuok soo, you know how Ash behaves..
losing gyms, losing the league....and being rejected because of Red being alive.
and the most important: ABANDONING POKEMON
he abandoned Charizard
abandoned Butterfree, the first pokemon who he caught
and in one episode of season 1,where have Wild Pikachu forest, he was about to ABANDON PIKACHU.
even his friends.
ok soo, after all this things who he made, Arceus problably hated him
post what you thinked about this Theory!

I can't march on because i'm already far too broken...
But what kind of point would Arceus be making if it turned Ash into Satichu? It doesn't seem to be a line that would be fated to learn the consequences of abandonment. Instead, it would make more sense to me if he was turned into a Pokemon so that he could learn about the feelings and strengths of Pokemon better. He keeps losing all of these tournaments and parting with most of his stronger Pokemon, and in the battles he pretty much yells at them to do stuff even if it won't work. Sometimes he seems so uneducated in his attack choices that he relies on serendipity to win a bunch of his battles. Maybe instead of a vengeful transformation Arceus wanted him to learn what its like to be a Pokemon so that he could make better choices in what he does with them in the long run?
This is actually the theory that makes more sense, since there are multiple Satichu, but only one Ash, so how would that actually happen if it were just him turned into a pokemon?