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The Quicksand

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions The Quicksand
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 24/12/2013 18:12 (10 Years ago)
Zinta could hardly wait.Today was the day his parents would let him challenge another pokemon because they knew that was his birthday wish.they had already got the opponent weakened up.Zinta walked to a large open sand feild were his parents were holding down a cacnea.The Trapinch hurryed to his parents very excited.The two Flygon announced their rules of fighting."ALL POKEMON ARE TO STAY IN THE ARENA.ALL POKEMON ARE TO BE FAIR.ALL POKEMON MAY HAVE THREE ORAN BERRYS BROUGHT FROM HOME.LET THE FIGHT BEGIN".The Flygon flew to Zinta and gave him three oran berrys.Zinta used sand tomb as the cacnea struggled up.The cacnea was sent flying up and fell with a thud.Deafeted,the cacnea was transported to a desert hospital.The Flygon flew proudly to Zinta.They cheered and gave him a gift.Then they told him sadly that they have to leave now that he can defend himself and thats why they never let him fight another pokemon.Zinta screeched and hopped,crying as his parents left him.He ran in the direction he saw them go but quickly lost their trail.He kept running in the same path until he screeched to a halt near quicksand.Before he could run it swallowed him up. Zinta awoke in a dark place.He felt sand fall on him from the top of were ever he was.As his eyes adjusted'he could see sevral other pokemon hovering over him.One of them walked over and bent down to stare in his eyes.He could make out the form of a Sandslash.He knew that it must be thee leader of the other pokemon because they were all sandshrews.The Sandslash carryed him to a room while asking him many questions.When the entered the room'the Sandshrews all had bottles around there necks.they were filled with quicksand that still moved down like it did when he fell in.He noticed that there were other pokemon too.There were Baltoy and Cacnea along with the sandshrew.He thought he saw other Trapinch but wasn't sure.The Sandslash handed Zinta a bottle of quicksand and told him that it would protect him.Zinta felt a rush of energy in his body and he darted to a room were he heard water.When he approched the water the quicksand stoped flowing in his bottle.The water rippled.A Gyradose flew out and the group of pokemon told the Trapinch that this Gyradose has plagued them for years.The pokemon fought for two days with the Gyradose.After the battle the pokemon cheered and walked to a large room were a long stone slab waited,covered in different food.Before the pokemon stuffed themselves Zinta's quicksand stopped flowing in it's bottle and time stood still.Zinta krept to the food and took a bite.He then started to gobble down lots of the food but let enough for the others.When he got full time started back.The Trapinch knew this bottled quicksand would be the start of great adventures and may help him find the ones who he loved and cherished,his parents.
~ BabyTrapinch
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 19
Posted: Fri, 27/12/2013 20:09 (10 Years ago)
Before I read the rest of this, I would recommend fixing some grammar mistakes, such as spaces between sentences and capitalizing the first letter of every first word in the sentence.

Linoone from Celestial, and the Aggron from NeverEndingStory!

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