A world with dragons and humans everywhere.... The peace
has started to fade as a evil force is coming with many of the
tamed dragons to take over and stop anyone in there way.... Some
are trying to stop them from doing this.... Will you try to stop
them or join them......?
A red/white small dragon. Has blue eyes and a somekind of collar
on. Has a kind of flame like thing around her sometimes. She also
has a crystal/gem on the collar
A type of legendary dragon.
She was found by someone in a temple. She was taken cared of by the
person in till one day the person went missing. The evil force
found out about her and are now after her.
She is one of a rare "master" elemental dragon. There are one of
each rare master elementals dragons.
Username: Banette
Name: Crystal
Age: Hatchling.
Gender: Female.
Species: A crystal dragon. The last of her kind. Many now say that
she is the newest discovered master elemental dragon.
History: Unknown.
Other: She is Auraoras sister.
Username: Nellie
Name: Midnight
Age: Teenager
Gender: Female
Species: The last one of the night dragons.
History: Has a great sense and knowledge of herbs, and is
semi-psychic. She predicts what others are thinking.
If it would make you happy,
I'll give my most precious thing to you.
Even if it turns out we can't meet for
a second time,
A smile will always bloom in my heart.
Username: ThatEvilDorito
Name: Bighorn
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Apperance: Midnight black dragon with long, curling horns like a
ram's divided into thirteen sections by thin stripes. She has
spines down her back and small, sparkling scales on her wing
membranes that look like stars and novae. She is about seven feet
tall with three inch long fangs which can shoot a deadly venom that
melts scales and flesh or kill if gotten in the bloodstream about
over fifty feet. Her grayish talons are short and dull, and she
can't inject venom, only spray. //forgot to add she has a
prehensile tail, but rarely uses it do to her weight
Species: Nightwing/Rainwing cross (Wings of Fire)
History: This dragon was exiled for being a mixed breed and found a
large island known to very few where she settled with a white cat
named Isaiah (who will not be roleplayed, as he is someone else's
muse). Her horde has grown considerably and she is very lax.
Other: She is easily distracted and finds interest in shiny things
(gems, coins, anything) and things that are perfectly round (bouncy
balls, marbles). She takes great interest in physical things and
cares little for emotions, but is easily hurt if insulted. She has
a quick temper and angering her will often result in physical harm.
(Both Accepted. Lets start!)
Auraora slowly woke up and yawned looking around. "I wonder what I
will find today...."Auraora said getting up and ran down the stairs
of the temple to find more things.
Crystal raced through the forest, looking behind her. There were
humans following her, trying to shoot her with a sleep dart.
"Just... A little... Further!!" She began to run faster.
Bighorn yawned, lazily stretching her wings. Her deep amethyst eyes
twinkled in the dawn light. Her small ears perked up, hearing the
squeals of a dragonet. "Oh, brother. The scavengers are at it
again." She flew out slowly, sitting in a tree, waiting for Crystal
and the humans to approach.
Auraora jumped up on top a few boxes before hearing yelling and
looked around noticing a dragon and humans. "I wonder what is
happeing..."Auraora though confused before falling into a box.
Username: CystalKawaii_Dragonair
Name: Aurora (or Ares for short ^^)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Last Lightning Dragon that can change color
History: Was born Different from the others was always made fun of
by the way she can change her scales color no other Lightning
Dragon can do this
Other: She loves protecting other Dragons and having some fun she
can be serious at times and her mood can change easily.
Auraora poked her head out of the pile of gems and jumped out of
the box hearing a loud crash. "A lot of stuff is happening today...
weird."Auraora said before hearing something.
Bighorn landed, roaring at the humans. Birds flew from the trees,
screeching and cawing. She snarled and chortled in her dragon
language, charging towards them.
"Woah...."Auraora said watching before hearing something and was
almost hit by a net. "How the heck did the humans get into the
temple...?"Auraora though confused before jumping down trying to