In the Misc. Settings, we have options to turn off different feed
notifications, but not one for turning off social ones. I would
like this implemented because 90% of the time the social post has
nothing to do with me. I read through social posts, but I don't
particularly like having them show a notification, but I also don't
want to take everyone off my friends list.
It also really throws me off when I'm shiny hunting since a lot of
times people will post a feed when an egg hatches and I get really
hopeful that a shiny hatched.
I've also had friends post spam feeds before which then really
irritates me because I took time to go check it.
I would like us to be able to disable notifications for social
A good argument, but just because something is created for one
reason does not mean it is always used purely for that purpose.
Also, I'm not suggesting that we completely do away with listing
social feeds, I just think we should have the option of disabling a
notification about it.
I agree that getting a notification in the hud is a bit
disappointing when it's a feed and you were hoping it was a shiny
notification. But at the same time, I think that removing all
social aspect of the notification feeds would defeat the purpose of
having the notifications page.
I would, however, not mind if there was an option to "silence"
social feeds so that they still show up on the notifications wall,
but do not trigger the numbers in the hud.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Social feeds would still be
on the notification wall. I simply mean that they would not pop up
on the Notification globe icon. I never said anything about
removing social feeds.
Also, this would be optional, like any other
enable/disable-able feed. I no longer get notifications for
treasure hunt because I don't want them, but that's only me. This
idea would be the same way.
Well, all of the other notification choices completely remove it
from the wall :p That's why I assumed this one would do the same,
as it never clarified otherwise, that I could tell. (Then again I
could have just missed it)
If you check the treasure game, it will post a notification to the
wall and trigger the hud icon.
Disable it, and it doesn't even show up on the wall.
Same for the tree, same for daycare eggs, same for plushies, and
everything else.
So something different would need to be coded for this to work, but
I still support :p