Forum Thread
Ilovcows' Pokesona Art
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Ilovcows' Pokesona Art
Welcome to Ilovcows' Pokesona Art!
Here, I draw, well, Pokesonas!
If you want your Pokesona drawn, you have come to the right place!
I draw for no charge since it's not that professional and because it is my hobby!
I also have a life outside of PokéHeroes so I may not be able to draw at the rate that you may want but please do not complain.
I will try my best!
Examples of my drawings:
She's the Slowyore in my avatar.
Basic Details:
She's a Shiny Slowyore (avatar color is a tad off)
She wears glasses
Her hair is longer than a normal 'Yore's so she wears it in a braid
She loves Honey
That's about all the basic things about her that would affect your drawing. ^-^"