8809 walks in the room and she looks not vary different then she
did 20 years ago "I see Raika is back. no wonder today felt good."
8809 smiles a little.
Snow stops them "I maybe able to make one in 1/4 the time. I just
need some stuff and truth is................ i did some studying
and really the next one is not for 100,000,000,000,000,000 Years.
much longer then any thing we have can go right now. i say 100 as a
short way to say that.".
Snow looks really mad "Not funny Caroline! you know I have changed
since 20 years ago and i have been Hack free for 15 years!" Snow
walks away ~You bunch of apes!~.
Snow takes a deep breath and calms down "I did not get hacked. I am
just in a mood today.". 8809 looks at Caroline "It is true. I scan
every one once a day and she is good because i did it right when
you said she was hacked. Tricky is strange right now. I cant scan
her strangely.".
8809 giggles a little "It is just some thing i say. it means it is
not a problem. some times it means it is not my problem so be
careful when i say that.". Burn walks back "Ya and i am sorry for
calling you all a bunch of apes. when i get upset i say that
because i kind of am as smart as caroline on a great day.".