With a rusted voice, It replied "I am... Blast... Friend of...
Thorn... Have you seen... Heard... him? I... need to talk... to
him..." He began to limp closer to Ricky
(@Mad, Technically, Blast was with Thorn for many of his
adventures. He got to weak and too battle damaged to continue. So
he was sent to the Hall of Origin, where we are right now.)
Thorn tilted his head "Didn't you die?" He asked Haku. Lockehorn
inched closer to the Eevee, unsure if friend or foe.
When Thorn saw Blast, memories of Jewel went threw his mind. Only a
single tear went past his eye. He walked over Blast and lightly
hugged him. "I missed you old buddy..." Thorn let go and then went
back to Mew. He couldn't stop the tears. Thorn tried to fly
somewhere, but thanks to his pierced wings, flight was
unachievable. He landed head first with a loud crack. He had broken
his left wing.
Blast looked down. He had an idea how to help, but it meant to
sacrifice his own... He struggled.
(Hey Secret!
-Deep breath-
They were attacked by zombies and there were too many of them so
they fled to the Hall of origin. Many characters are back and we
have some new members of the pack. And Auttumn broke her arm.)
Mousa looked at everyone and thought: "These pokemon are weird,I
really need to get away from them..." Mousa said as he slowly
walked away from them (Hence,losing his memory.) Jake noticed Mousa
walking away so he went after him. Azelf also took notice.
Ricky took two scents of the air and took a moment to gag. The
rotting smell filled his nostrils, it was scattered but at least
thirty yards away. Darn snow and wind was throwing off his senses.
He knew more than likely none were walking, and all water froze
next to a minute later. So where was the smell coming from?
Then it dawned on Ricky, the air. If he couldn't hear them, they
were probably outside in the snow.
"Guys....how would...one...enter here?" Ricky asked trying to keep
his stuttering to a minimum.