Charmy smiles "The EverFrost castle! near where the everfrost snake
first showed up! we once did i mission there! the leader of the
castle is strong and knows how to trap trespassers! he made us fail
that mission.....".
Chill stop "Wait I have an idea!" Chill makes an ice sled, everyone
gets on it and Chill tells lotus to use his and Ash's fire power to
boost the speed and they make it to the castle before it disappears
The voice laughs more "This only shows how smart i am. do you
really think i would kill them so soon?". The castle reappears and
they are all in a cage and a man is standing near the cage "See all
i had to do was trick you so i could catch you with out you
knowing. your friends are in the dungeon waiting for you. they will
die over time. i dont even need to touch them.".
The Man laughs "I am lord nightmare. no one tells me what to do!!!"
The man grows crowbat wings and his eyes change to eyes kind of
like pikachu's eyes but human.