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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers to life and death

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers to life and death
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 785
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 10:45 (11 Years ago)
Hi everyone! This is my first Rp for this site, so I hope you like it :D
// Still accepting new people on the rp!
-No immortal or super Characters!!
-No Spamming!!
-Please, no double posting!
-Don`t kill others Characters!! (Unless the other one wants that the Character dies)
-Be kind to others!!
-Max 4 characters per person and 1 or 2 legendary!!
-Characters can evolve!
-can fall in love with another character and get Pokemon eggs
-And last but not least have fun!

The story: (Part 1)
One day you awake in a different world full of dreams and mysteries. You look your hands and feet and you can see that your not human anymore, but what are you then? And then you notice that you are a Pokemon, but how is this possible, you think. How did this happen and where are you? Then you noticed that there are more Pokemon near you. Maybe they are humans too, like you are. Or maybe they are Pokemon that live in that nearby village..... What!? There`s a village!!

(Part 2)
Many humans was turned to Pokemon, but no one knows why. And some Legendary Pokemon are trying to hunt for these human Pokemon and others too. But why?
There is happening something weird. Some of the Pokemon have been acting oddly, they attack to other Pokemon and they are not they usual itself. Is someone controlling them or something else?

(Part 3) Upcoming!

Note!) You can be human that have been transformed to Pokemon or you can be Pokemon that live in the Pokemon village or other places. And you can make Explore teams.

People that are in the role-play:

Pokemon that live in the village or somewhere else:
- Espi - WB2
- Garde - Nogard20
- Trek - Nogard20
- Drake - MoltresMaster1
- Sera - Abby
- Axel - Abby
- Shadow - WB2
- Venoma - Claus
- Romi - Flarimew

Humans that have transformed to Pokemon:
- Fokko - WB2
- Mifie - mifie
- Rashime - Finhawk
- Torch - Nogard20
- Sage -GhostRayquaza
- Aura-Xerneas
- Tusk-jules2800

- Melody/Meloetta - Nogard20
- Myra/Celebi - Flarimew
- Kyurem - WB2
- Xerneas - mifie
- Latios - Toothless
- Dakurai/Darkrai - Masky

Fill this if you want to be Pokemon that live in the village or somewhere else:
Pokemon from the village
Image from it:
What do the Pokemon do? (It can have shop, be a healer and so on or it only live in the village)

Fill this too:
Name - Username

Fill this if you want to be human that has transformed into Pokemon:
Human that is Pokemon
Image from it:

Fill this too:
Name - Username

What Legendary:
Gender: (if its legendary that have gender)
Image from it:

Fill this too:
Name - Username

My own characters:
Pokemon from the village
Name: Espi
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Espeon
Nature: She is timid and shy, but when dangerous situation strikes she is ready to protect she`s friends.
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Psychic, Last Resort, Morning Sun, Shadow Ball
Username: WB2
Image from it:
What do the Pokemon do? She sell healing items, tm`s and evolution stones

Human that is Pokemon
Name: Fokko
gender: Female
Nature: She`s brave and hotheaded and gets mad almost everything, but if you are Shes good friend she is kind to you
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Hypnosis, Psybeam
Username: WB2
Image from it:

What Legendary: Kyurem
Nature: It is aggressive and very cold-hearted
Gender: Don`t have but I would say Male
Ability: Pressure (White Kyurem: Turboblaze Black Kyurem: Teravolt)
Moves: Glaciate, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Dragon Claw
White Kyurem: Fusion Flare, Ice Burn, Dragon Pulse, Blizzard
Black Kyurem: Fusion Bolt, Freeze Shock, Dragon Claw, Outrage
Username: WB2
Image from it:

Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Umbreon
Nature: He is nice, helpful and help others in need
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Feint Attack, Moonlight, Shadow Ball, Bite
Username: WB2
Image from it:

Good Role-play times to everyone! :3

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 11:01 (11 Years ago)
My turn!!!

Human that is Pokemon
Name: Mifie
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Skitty
Nature: Naive
Ability: Normalize
Moves: Attract, Sing Wake-up Slap, and Feint Attack
Username: mifie
Image from it:

Not Mega-able but kinda rare to hatch a female, huh?...
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 785
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 11:03 (11 Years ago)
Accepted! :3
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 785
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 11:30 (11 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 11:44 (11 Years ago)
"Nyaa~~~h! What a nice sleep I had~~~"

"Wait! I didn't suppose to yawn like that..."

*rushes to a mirror*

"Pink fur, big ears, crescent-like creamy yellow patch on my face!?... You don't say..."

*looks at the rear*

"Big tail's end with 3 extra nob hairs!? Maybe I need more sleep, or this is yet another dream..."

*slips over a blanket* *slams hardly on the floor*

"Nyah!! No wonder how it hurts this much. It's true, after all..."

*opens the nearest window* *horribly shouts*


Not Mega-able but kinda rare to hatch a female, huh?...
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 785
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 11:50 (11 Years ago)

"Hmm.. Did I hear something..." I walked to nearest window on my house and I noticed a Skitty looking down from the window from a house that was near mine. I opened the window "Umm... What are you shouting for?"
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 11:56 (11 Years ago)
"OH" a Skitty, now terrifying from what she became, noticed another Pokemon from across the windows "I'm just... Last night I was a human, but this morning I wake up to something else! What happened to me!? Nyah!?"

Not Mega-able but kinda rare to hatch a female, huh?...
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 785
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 12:08 (11 Years ago)

"Is it true or is it a lie? I think that it was a dream, because you have lived in that house couple of years. Would you like to have some tea and berries?" I asked her. (Why are she so terrified) I think.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 12:21 (11 Years ago)
"I did?" She was a completely outsider in this case, but that purple Espeon had just said so. No wonder how I feel so familiar to it, she though.

But she doesn't understand a couple things, who is she and that doggy, who to her is a stranger, speaks so gentle to her in no reasons. Yet tea and berries' offer sounds reasonable since she was just woke up. The Skitty then walks down to Espeon's front door, accepting the offer.

"You may not believe me what I said, but I'm sure I was a human..." said she, sipping tea in Espeon's kitchen.

Not Mega-able but kinda rare to hatch a female, huh?...
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 785
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 12:29 (11 Years ago)

"You may have been seeing a dream where you was a human, Oh bu the way take this, but only open it if something very bad happens" *Give a little bag to the skitty* " So don`t open it yet" (There`s a moonstone on the bag so I hope that she don`t open it yet)
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 12:46 (11 Years ago)
"Why thank you, Espeon!" Skitty accepted the gift happily "I feel something comfortable from this bag."

Then the pink cat had another sip of the tea.

"Do you gift strangers?" she asked out of the blue as she reaches her paw to the berries.

Not Mega-able but kinda rare to hatch a female, huh?...
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 12:59 (11 Years ago)
Human that is Pokemon
Name: Rashime
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Quilava
Nature: Calm
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Smoke Screen, Swift, Lava Plume, Flamethrower
Username: Finhawk
Image from it:

Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 16:54 (11 Years ago)
Pokemon from the village
Name: Garde
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Gardevoir (Evolved from Kirlia)
Nature: Brave
Ability: Trace
Moves: Teleport
Dream Eater
Username: Nogard20
Image from it:
What do the Pokemon do? Protects friends (and sings).

Human that is Pokemon
Name: Torch
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Blaziken (evolved from Combusken)
Nature: Serious (He sings)
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Flamethrower
Sky Uppercut
Horizontal Cut/Wide Slash
Vacuum Cut
Username: Nogard20
Image from it:

Pokemon from the village
Name: Trek
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Sceptile (evolves from Grovyle)
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Bullet Seed
Giga Drain
Username: Nogard20
Image from it:
What do the Pokemon do? Lives in the village (Sings)

Name: Melody
What Legendary: Meloetta
Nature: Calm (Know what? SHE SINGS)
Gender: Female
Ability: Serene Grace
Moves: Hyper Voice
Echoed Voice
Where does it live: I dunno.
Username: Nogard20

All my characer can sing, know why? BECAUSE I CAN (Or I think I can)

Characters' relationships thingie:

Melody is very childish like Guildmaster Wigglytuff (Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky/Time/Darkness).
Garde is like a babysitter to Melody.
Trek is shy when near non-team female pokemon.
Torch is the Team Leader.
Melody LOVES sweetness.
Torch and Trek are like brothers.
Torch loves Garde and Garde loves Torch, but THEY DON'T KNOW.

Sorry if I did many Characters.

Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 785
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 17:06 (11 Years ago)
//Both of you are accepted! :D


"You can call me Espi" I said to her "Well sometimes I gift them, I like to be kind to others and if you need anything then come talk to me, I sell all kind of stuff" I walked near the table and I took one Oran berry.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 17:15 (11 Years ago)
"Nothing's needed by now... Except for some simple information about, erm..., where I currently am" Skitty replied "But I'm kinda poor today"

"The name is Mifie, many thanks for the gift" She continues "I promise I'll treasure it with my heart!"

Not Mega-able but kinda rare to hatch a female, huh?...
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 17:18 (11 Years ago)
Rashime was wandering the streets of a village, unsure what to do. He was a human, at least he had been. But now... He was a quilava in a strange Place filled with pokemon. Rashime was lost in every sense of the word. He suddenly halted, realizing just walking aimlessly wasn't going to do him any good. He rose to his back legs and took a look around. His mind was drawing a blank, he had absolutely no idea what he should do. Rashime bit his lip, trying to will himself to stop shaking.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 785
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 17:27 (11 Years ago)

"You are in the Pokemon village where Pokemon live peacefully, here are shops, post office and all kind of other things. There are lake near the village and flower fields, dungeons.... They are mystery dungeons and you can found treasures from there, by the way I buy treasures and I offer great prices from them and I can swap them to other items." Then I looked out of the window. "But there are bad Pokemon that will attack you, so if you go there be careful, okay?"


"Huh..... Where...am I?" I got up from the ground and looked my feet. "What the...? Why do I have four legs!" I ran to the lake that was in front of me. "I...I have turned into Fennekin..... this cannot be true.... WHAT IS HAPPENING IN HERE!!!"
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 17:39 (11 Years ago)
Name: Myra
What Legendary: Celebi
Nature: Careful
Gender: Girl
ability: Natural cure
Moves: Perish song, leaf storm, magical leaf, confusion
Where does it live: It travels though time.....no home
Username: Flarimew
Image: I'll get it soon. My computer won't accept the link for some reason....
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 17:42 (11 Years ago)
"Um..." *nods* "Now you mentioned the Mystery Dungeon, is there anyone exploring on such place?"

Not Mega-able but kinda rare to hatch a female, huh?...
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 60
Posted: Fri, 13/12/2013 17:45 (11 Years ago)
*Torch's team (Torch, Melody, Trek and Garde) appear in the village by Garde's Teleport*

Torch: I told you I could beat them with only Vacuum Wave (well, more thant one Vacuum Wave).

Trek, Melody and Garde: Yes, you did ¬_¬
Melody: Oh! New People!~