Forum Thread
Random List of Suggestions
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Random List of SuggestionsWith Premium accounts, maybe there could be a .01 chance or so of finding a small nugget every now and then when helping eggs and pokemon?
Maybe premium accounts could have the fee for the daycare halved?
Once more on premium accounts, maybe have the legendary mode on the slots only be 80 game coins?
Stock trainers for the avatars that people can choose from (I'm sure this idea has been said before).
Thinking of events that haven't come yet, a Retro line of edited/unique "Herodex" (I like that name for events >3>' ) sprites would be interesting.
If it's possible, maybe have a random little window that pops up with "surprise events" that give you a random item, like honey or a hard to get sort of gem? Maybe even some pokedollars.
I don't know how logical this would be, but showing how many times the user has played a certain game (Higher or lower, coin flip) and how many times they won/lost?
...That's all I have for now. I'm sorry if these have been suggested or are bad ideas. D:
Sometimes I edit sprites:

Already rejected
You could easily refresh the site again and again just to find some items. That's not the point of this game
This idea hasn't been suggested before. Nonetheless, it's easy enough for user to upload a trainer sprite as their avatar. In my opinion, a selection for them isn't needed.
I'm already recording such stats for some games. Not user-based, but sitewide in total.
Nevertheless it would be interesting to have such a counter on someone's userpage. Or also at the ranklists.
I don't know much about the premium accounts, if there's hidden content or not, so I had to go based off what I knew/saw.
Hmmm.. About the random item thing, maybe have it so you'll had to have helped so many eggs/pokemon, 50-100 at least, and then you'll randomly trigger an item find near an egg/pokemon that you've helped. Kind of like "You helped warm the egg/train the pokemon, and found a random Everstone under a tree!" or something.
Or that might be too much.. /goes back into her shell
Oh yeah. I don't know if this is a suggestion or more of a confirmation/question, but when you win the lottery, the Lugia egg, does it go right into your party, or are you able to claim it? If you can't get on when the lottery ends and you win, if you can't claim it and it's automatically put into the party, if you don't have an open slot do you lose it? I think, if there isn't one already, a claiming station for 12-24 hours of a prize would be good.
Sometimes I edit sprites:

...Oh heck, no I'm not. v__v; Sorry, I have one more thing to entice premium users.
Some people adore the starters they get, but other people might want a different or another one. Maybe if people buy a premium account they can choose another starter they want? No guarentee on gender or shiny/etc, but they could see the list and pick it? Just a one time thing though, and it'd be a new egg and not count as their official starter. ...Actually that sounds silly too. /goes packing for real this time
Sometimes I edit sprites:

Sometimes I edit sprites:

Or are you saying us can change our starter when active an premium?
Or we can get another one?
Edit; meh, ninjad D:
Max here!
Hrmm... I know people adore incentives when they upgrade accounts. I'm going to keep brainstorming ideas that can be kept in game and beneficial for both premium and regular users.
Sometimes I edit sprites:

Hmmmmmm, I know when sites are growing they look for more people, and although it could backfire and bring in a lot of silly people, a site-wide referral contest? Users try to refer the most amount of people, and the top 3-5, depending on how many people they all refer, are given small nuggets for prizes, or maybe a rare egg of their choosing from a list?
Side note on that, a little gift for referring people would be much appreciated I think. It gives people a reason to drag others in and helps the site grow. A random berry might do the trick, or 50 pokedollars. People love pokedollars. o3o;
Sometimes I edit sprites:

Apart from events like pokemon, writing contests, spriting contests, fanart contests, etc. there isn't too much that would really need to be improved right now, I think. For the moment I've thought of all the suggestions I can. @_@;;
Sometimes I edit sprites:

/does not know how possible this is, isn't good with codes and servers and such
Sometimes I edit sprites: