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Blackblade Guild(INACTIVE)

Forum-Index Roleplay Blackblade Guild(INACTIVE)
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 03:41 (10 Years ago)

This is Blackblade Guild!
This is a guild based on the age where swords were the main weapon.
Blackblade's main goal is to defeat a Demon Army that is very difficult to kill.Flood and I have been talking,and we've found that many things don't work on them.Here's a list:
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Stabbing in the heart
Stabbing in the lungs
Stabbing in the head
Stabbing in the butt
Stabbing in the eye
Pretty much stabbing in general


1.No powerplaying(not taking damage/always dodging hits/perfect aim)!This drives me and everyone else absolutely insane!
2.Don't be too violent!Cutting one's head off isn't allowed.Remember,we're all in the same guild here!
3.The password is 'Blackblade'.
4.No cussing!I'm pretty sure this goes without saying,but it's still worth mentioning.

Failing to follow these rules will result in being banished from the guild,banished from this forum thread,and your posts(if you choose to continue posting)will be ignored.

If you want to join and help us defeat them,use this form(I might not roleplay that often,but I will sometimes!)
*No guns/rifles/blunderbusses allowed as weapons!The maximum amount of weapons is 3.
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I want to join Blackblade Guild!
Character name:
Anything about your character:

This is my form:
I want to join Blackblade Guild!
Character name:Viper
Weapons:A sword[that looks like this and two short daggers with black hilts
Password:[insert password here]
Anything about your character:Viper is the leader of Blackblade Guild and keeps her two daggers at her sides.She looks like this(ignore the seviper,I didn't want to draw her feet .-.).She always keeps her knife blades shiny and adds poison to the blades to make them extra deadly.She runs quite fast and,in the dark,all you can see are the flashing of light glinting off her knife blades.She uses her sword when fighting stronger opponents,and shines/poisons the sword's blade as well.

I'm hoping to gather a few members,because this demon army is really irritating me(the roleplay probably won't include them,though.Probably just me and a couple other people messing around,but the army might appear later)

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 03:48 (10 Years ago)

I want to join Blackblade Guild!
Character name:Unknown, called The Mage
Weapons: her magic and daggers
Password: Blackblade
Anything about your character: She is more on the neutral side, but the demons are really getting on her nerves. She is a dark elf, and her main weapon is her magic. She's a bit sassy, and often snaps if you get to close to her. Very socially awkward. She wears a cloak and long black gloves. Her skin is a light gray, her eyes are startling blue, and her hair is blonde. More to be found out later.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 03:51 (10 Years ago)
I want to join Blackblade Guild!
Character name:Glacia
Weapons:Sword, 1 throwing knife
Anything about your character: Has a accessory, she is wearing a special necklace with a pearl in it (she was born in june) She has blue eyes, strawberry-blonde hair, and she was a cat person.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 03:53 (10 Years ago)
@Both-You're both accepted.How'd I know you would be the first to join?
Viper sat down,sharpening her knife blades.
The end.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 03:55 (10 Years ago)
The Mage was lounging around, watching drowsily as the guild started to burst alive. She, being the little mischievous person she was, tripped one of the guild members. She snickered at their yelp of surprise, letting out a content sigh. Oh, how fun magic was.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 03:58 (10 Years ago)
Viper set the first knife down beside her and picked up her second one.She flipped it over and gazed at the black jade embedded in the knife's hilt before picking up a flat,white stone and scraping it along the knife's blade.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 04:02 (10 Years ago)
The Mage leapt to her feet suddenly, bored. She needed more people to mess with. A grin spread across her face as she had an idea. Technically, she wasn't part of the guild. She decided upon messing with Viper.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 04:07 (10 Years ago)
Viper took a small vial from her pocket and removed the lid,letting its contents spill across the second knife's blade(this is her Right Knife,the one she always uses in her left hand.I'll call it Black Jade).The liquid was snake venom;a black mamba slid across her shoulders.It slithered across the floor and into the cracked door of Viper's home.
Viper squinted her eyes up at the sun,enjoying its warmth.She crossed her legs as she sat on the bench on her front porch and closed her eyes completely.With her eyes still shut,she moved her knives and her sword into their holsters on her belt.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 04:09 (10 Years ago)
The Mage was watching Viper from a distance, smirking. She concentrated on her clothes, and a small blue flame grew. The flame was initially harmless, it was made that way. It was more of an illusion, giving off a slight heat. She watched for a reaction.
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 04:15 (10 Years ago)
Viper opened her eyes slightly before standing up.She didn't seem bothered by the fire's heat;it wasn't much different than when she had been lying in the sun.She unsheathed Black jade from its holster and brushed her hair out of her eyes.Glancing around,Viper flipped Black Jade upside down so the blade was facing the ground,as if challenging whoever set her on fire.(It's not nice to set other people on fire.)
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 77
Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 04:21 (10 Years ago)
The Mage sighed, upset she didn't get the reaction she wanted. Pulling her hood down, she pouted. She was so boooorrreeed.

(She's basically a huge child so)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 14:20 (10 Years ago)
Glacia finally woke up, shaking her fur. "That was a good sleep..." she yawned. She grabbed her sword and sharpened her knifes, like she did every morning. She started to look around the guild for Viper. "Viper! It's almost time to go-" When she was walking, she tripped over a rock. "What I was saying was, It's almost time to go to them. We need to give them a surprising attack." She got up from tripping, and she shook her fur again.