;D; I'd like a picture on my character!! I'll have another one
coming in, I'll just have to send the pic later~!
But if you can't tell, Lunpis ((the pokemon in the image)) Has pink
shades and tint for pelt. Like my Profile pic. As well has bright
neon green eyes. he also has a Black beanie~!
I'll give 20,000 PD.
If there is a question than just ask please! if not than I hope you
have fun drawing this pic, and others to come!
Quite honestly, when I'm not lazy or busy. ; - ; I also plan to do
a major re-vamp of this thread. Update the first post with newer
work and make a bit more uh.. professional?? And get some nice
decorations in there.
Furret! I would like a doodle from you! What I want drawn: a shiny mega charizard X as pokesona My offer: 200 nuggets Other: i want it to look a little bit horror with red color
in the middle of black eyes , wings to be with blue + its original
color Password:No.
Furret! I would like a doodle from you! What I want drawn: Piploomy(Aria) My offer: 70k Other: There are two links. /I want Piploomy Standed up eating a
Chocolate Muffin.
Furret! I would like a doodle from you! What I want drawn: My pokesona, It is a Shiny Umbreon with a
blue bandana to match the blue and a scar across it's eye. And some
grey (Umbreon body color) Ho-oh/Hawish wings if possible? Also, the
same colour paint splotches up all of it's legs. If you need a
picture, my profile picture with paint splotches added really. I
haven't made/got someone to draw it yet so.. Yeah.. My offer: Would 100k be enough? Other: Could you do it with narrowed eyes and a cheeky
smile? Password: Don't think about copying, go read those rules
again :'D