Forum Thread
[W] Creeper
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [W] Creeper1. No stealing stories from other users/people
2. read the rule
3. No swear words in the story.
4. HAS to be creepy
5. Be polite
It DOES NOT HAVE to be a story or a poem. It can be a riddle also. But no drawings please.
So.the prizes:
Shiny hunt of your choice(no legendary hunts exempt if you lend me your ditto and the legendary)
Random keys or boxes
Random pokemon
My brother will choose random numbers monthly. No shiny hunts until I finish one hunt.

1. Tradegy-espurr's curse
2. GemstoneCat-soulblood
6. Oddballme-buried alive: lost in time
7. Threshfeather-
13. Xgreninja- the unexpected destroyance of earth
Story/poem:Espurr's Curse

Once pokemon X and Y came out,I was REALLY excited.For my starter,this time,(I always pick fire type as a starter)I picked Froakie.Just because one reason:-He evolves into Greninja.After having my second badge,I looked up on Google and saw how Espurr really looked like.I looked at both shiny and non-shiny and tought;"It'd be cool if I had an Espurr,whatever,Let's go to the GTS"And went trough the GTS.I saw only ONE Espurr;which is a shiny.I traded for my Simisear(which had been transfered from black/white)And received the shiny Espurr.But the thing that bugged me was the name.It was named"EeRiE"I felt a little eerie feeling in my mind but shrugged it off.A few minutes passed.I went to another town and the text box said;"EeRiE wants to know where it is.Tell him?"The Yes/No answer popped into another small box.I picked No and went to train my pokemon.I had put Froakie in first.Finally,I got a wild pokemon battle;Instead of my Froakie being first,EeRiE was first.And my Froakie was replaced as a wild pokemon.I tapped on run,but a text box appeared saying;"No,You can't run,EeRiE wants to fight"in red bloodlike writing.Then I picked items;another text box saying"Let EeRiE be your one and only..."and the text box was cut off,and replaced with a 3 min black out.On the 2 minutes,I heard a faint cry of a Froakie's.And then faded to normal.What a shock I've seen.The Froakie had an X on his cheek and loads of scars.Then he was silently standing on the pool of blood.A text box appeared;"Foakie had died!"Died?I tought and looked at froakie's stats;Its hp is 0,infact,EVERYTHING 0.I then closed the power off.
After 2 months,I went back on my pokemon X.I saw the intro normally.After I skipped the intro,What I saw on the top screen...It wasn't pokemon X anymore...But it wrote;"Pokemon X:Espurr's curse"I went on my save file was....awful....The npc's were laying on a pool of blood.And each step I took,the same text box appeared which is;"EeRiE will haunt you.........."In a bloodlike writing.

It was a normal day.It was hot so i thought i would stay inside and play pokemon SoulSilver rom on my PC with desmune.I started up the game ad played the saved file "Gem".My cyndaquil named Gemstone followed me.I beated the champ, had level 100 pokemon and had a shiny rayqauza(Sorry i cant spell today XD).I thought it would be nice to hack the game and get a mewtwo and arceus just for fun.When i pulled up the hack,Mewtwo had the name Blood."What twisted game is this??!!" I thought as i saw blood on its figure.I caught "Blood" and arceus had the same details.I regretted this hack already.The screen turned black,And when it came on i saw my cyndaquil AND my trainer,In a pool of blood.I cried, "Why me.." I said sadly.I saw a mewtwo saying "Goodbye.."
THE END This is my first creepypasta(as i call it)so please dont hate it!

Never give up.
Username: Oddballme
Number: 6
When I was around 10, I lived behind this forest with other people. And, me and a few of my friends snuck out of chores to play in this forest. And so, we always brought safety tools, like a rope and sometimes even a plank of wood. And so today, we just brought a rope. No problem.
After around an hour, I slipped and fell into a hole. And so, my friends threw the rope down, but the rope snapped. The friend helping me slipped, and fell into the hole as well. The last friend ran to get help, but it was too late. glug, glug, glug. I heard it. We were being sucked down into nothing. And, just before the mud got to our neck, it stopped. I yelled, "HELP!!" but nothing sounded. But into the hole, it just bounced off and did nothing. We waited what was days... And we were sinking by the second. And we were buried alive. I felt us being sucked into a large room, but by then, we were gone. From time. Forgotten. And if you're reading this, you are too.
The unexpected destroyance of Earth.

Ina woke with a start; was that a blood curdling scream she heard? No. She checked her Pokeballs: Mudkip? Yup
Darumaka? Yup
Decapitated Kyorge? Yup
Kyorge???? Ina shook her head. Only two pokeballs there. Wierd. She climbed out of bed and wandered to the kitchen. On the ceilling was an Aridos. Ina ran out of the house and tripped. The aridos was chasing her now and that scared the crap out of her. The aridos was blind and had a rabbit snare around it's neck. Ina's Darumaka leapt out of the house and flamethrwed the aridos but the aridos touched Darumaka and it turned to stone... Ina turned and ran again but was suddenly trapped in a concrete box. Aridoses were climbing down their webs and heading towards her. one touched her and she froze, turned to stone. Just when she thought nothing can get worse, the world exploded into ash.
the end
Number: my lucky number 7
The Ghoul was feasting on the flesh of a young boy when suddenly another Ghoul appeared behind him and threw him away from the dead carcass. "You Fool you will expose us all to those petty hunters with your hunger, now get back to camp before i kill you myself" said the Ghoul who had thrown the other one from his meal. Suddenly the Ghoul that was thrown got up and roared with his bloody face and charged at the eldest Ghoul and tried to throw him off balance. The eldest Ghoul picked the young binge eating Ghoul up with his kagune and threw him against the wall of the room and stabbed his kagune through his stomach 5 times, the ghoul lay on the ground for a minue while his wounds healed and then got up and released his kagune and charged the eldest Ghoul, he ran and the eldest ghoul dodged and ripped his head off using his kagune as a tool to rip it off, he then threw the head out the window and dragged the body into a dumpster. He walked down the ally saying "Young Ghouls these days, dont know how to control their hunger", he withdrew his kagune into his lower back and waked away as human police came and saw the blood and found the ghoul body and said "what happened here" !
Is this a good enough entry?