Name: Liana
Age: 17/ Level 29
Pokemon: Wobbufet/ Apearance: Basicly a Human wearing Wobbufet
colored clothing, has the tail though
Rank: Accidental Social Misfit/ Master Gamer
Moveset: Counter, Mirror Coat, Safeguard, Destiny Bond
Personality: Overly friendly, highly competitive
Hobbies: Co-op gameing, watching YouTube, hanging out
Crush: none
Bf: open
Accesories: lipstick
Other: She is always looking for new friends to crush in games,
highly proud of the fact that she beat Golden Freddy mode
Name: Nagisa Shingetsu
Age/Level: 17/Level 60
Gender: Male
Moveset: Leaf Blade,Giga Drain,Energy Ball,Grass Knot
Personality:Sarcastic,A bit mean,helpful at times and he's a down
to earth pokemon despite his intimidating look
Hobbies:Playing video games,making web comics.
Crush: Opened for crushes
BF/GF: -
Accesories: He wears a bullet necklace
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,
"Well I have to get to my next class, see you, bye bye!" Liana
cries rushing into the hallway. " I wonder who that is" she thinks
as she spots an interesting looking serpirior with a necklace of
"Hi there!" She shouts " you must be new, my name is Liana what's
yours?" (( how do you put a picture?))
I'm getting the feeling that maybe he doesn't really like me Liana
thinks, oh well he'll have to get used to it now that I've made my
mind. I will befriend him! " your new right? Do you know what your
first class is?"
Age/Level:age 17 level 25
Rank:Gamer/kinda a loner
Moveset:Wrap,Poison tail,Bite,Poison fang
Personality:she usually hides her anger she is very smart and she
doesn't like talking much except when she is with friends
Hobbies:She likes gaming so usually She is on her phone or other
devices.When she isn't on her phone she draws
Accesories:She has a black scorpion necklace around her neck
Other:She doesn't like eating much