Forum Thread
Your Gym
Forum-Index → General Discussion → Your GymFor my gym, my Pokemon would be:
Lucario (F)
Blaziken (F)
Medicham (F)
Mienshao (F)
Gallade (M)
Infernape (F)
The theme would be a fighting dojo with rotation battle. The badge presented to the winning trainer would be called the Aura Badge.
Empoleon Male
Staraptor Female
Garchomp Male
Tysplosion (terrible writing xD) Male
Dragonair Male
It'd be a strange gym where you walk on walls and follow a path of a strange light. All the gym trainers would have water and steel types. All the battles would be double besides against me, which would be a triple. The badge would be the Power Badge. I'd be the last gym leader (Obviously because of my overpowered pokemon)
ryperior (m)
liligant (f)
:)- trainers will follow an ice path find the right door if you get wrong back to the start ( there's a pattern somewhere) that you encounter gym trainers with Ice or water types
Theme: *Fighting stars*
Battle style: Single battles besides me :) which is double
signiture pokemon: melowetta
badge:The flare badge

Omastar M
Cradily F
Aurorus F
Kabutops F
Tyrantrum M
Archeops M
The challengers would follow a path through excavations, fighting Trainers and wild Fossil Pokemon (Lileep, Kabuto, Omanyte, Tyrunt, Amaura, Archen. Only those show up). The battles would be Double Battles.
My badge would be the Fossil Badge.
My signature Pokemon: Archeops
Claydol F (set-up and rapid spin)
Sigilyph M (life orb)
Delphox M
Wobbuffet M
Alakazam F
Mega Medicham F (power ability)
(for easier fights, mega evolve alakazam and replace medicham with kadabra)
(or maybe Delphox switched for Metagross or Giga Orbeetle or Malamar or Gardevoir)
The challenge would maybe be a quiz show with one trick question (all answers are wrong) and there would be 5 questions.
The trainers would be
Psychic Ryan
Hattrem F
Lunatone F
Psychic Caleb
Kadabra M
Xatu F
Medicham F
Scientist Alvin
Hypno M
Solrock F
Girafarig M
Musharna F
Psychic Delia
Malamar F
Wobbuffet F
Chimecho F
Jynx F
Mr. Rime M
Psychic Jayden
Espeon F
Oricorio Pa'u F
Slowking M
Bruxish F
Medicham F