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The Ying Yang Land. -Closed-
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Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Ying Yang Land. -Closed-
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 19:43 (10 Years ago)
Poochy walks over to Kai and licks him "Sorry for how i acted when
we first met." poochy looks calm.
Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 19:45 (10 Years ago)
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 19:46 (10 Years ago)
Poochy smiles "I am happy to hear that..........." Poochy falls a
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 20:57 (10 Years ago)
"I've never liked night, he's always made it seem like Poochy's
weak and defenseless." Dark says walking toward them and then
looked at Pika "Anyway, sorry..."
Six~ OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 30
Forum Posts: 217
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 22:19 (10 Years ago)
"its ok"she says smileing.
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 22:20 (10 Years ago)
Poochy wakes up and sees Dark "Dark! i am glad you made it." Poochy
walks over to dark and licks him.
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 22:26 (10 Years ago)
Dark smiles and pets Poochy "I'm always right behind you little
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 22:30 (10 Years ago)
Title: Chapter 2:A Fresh Start
poochy giggles "I have learned that i had some of the light all
wrong. they can be nice." Poochy yawns.
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 22:35 (10 Years ago)
"I may need to gain some trust still, but it's sure these two are
alright" Tim laughs low "But we need to make sure we don't get
caught by that tyrant, or else we'll all go underground, either
that or we'll all be executed..." Dark shivers
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 22:37 (10 Years ago)
Poochy looks at dark "Psychic,Normal and Grass types will die. all
others will be put under ground. or so i heard.".
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 22:41 (10 Years ago)
"Well that means Kai is in danger" Dark looks worried for Kai
Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 22:48 (10 Years ago)
"I dont mind if i am in danger, as long as you all going to be
safe..." Kai aaid
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 22:50 (10 Years ago)
Dark Sighs "I'm not sure I want a new friend dead already."
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 22:51 (10 Years ago)
Poochy goes over to Kai and licks her "You are my new friend so i
care what happens to you. i will help keep you save".
Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 22:53 (10 Years ago)
Kai giggles "youre great friends, even though we just became
friends" he smiled
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 22:56 (10 Years ago)
"Anyway can you help and see if you could find us some disguises. I
just need a way to cover my scars and Poochy said she wanted to
disguise as a light pokemon, eevee."
Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 23:05 (10 Years ago)
"Ofcourse! I can turn you into a different pokemon, using my magic
powers" Kai smiles
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 23:09 (10 Years ago)
Poochy smiles "Now i will be able to hide! i will feel like a
light!" Poochy dances a little.
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 23:11 (10 Years ago)
"You don't really need to change me. I'm a pikachu, which can be on
either side. I just need to hide my scars."
Forum Posts: 549
Posted: Thu, 05/02/2015 23:13 (10 Years ago)
Kai giggles and turns Poochy into an Eevee "hmm.. i can heal/make
your scar dissappear" he suggests