Forum Thread
Spelling Mistakes
Forum-Index → Bug Reports → Spelling MistakesSpelling Mistakes
Hello, I'm Riako - from Germany. I'm the programmer of this browser game!
But why do I tell you that?
Because of one reason: English is not my mother tongue!
I'm trying hard at school to improve my English as best as possible, but it's still not good enough to avoid every spelling mistake all around this site.
So if you ever find any spelling mistake all around this game, please report them here!
(Also grammar mistakes, of course.)
"All what you need!"
This should be "All that you need!" or "All you need!"
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Should be disappeared ;D
2. When feeding a berry you don't have in your inventory anymore, you get the following error message: "You don't have a ... Berry!"
If the berry's name starts with a consonant, this is fine, but when starting in a vowel sound, it should be an Oran / Aspear / Enigma Berry. (This, however, does not apply to "Iapapa Berry", I think, because it is pronounced with a y-sound in the beginning regardless of the i-spelling.)