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White Winter Danger: Part 4 -Invite Only-
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Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 17:44 (10 Years ago)
King Wiggle starts to evolve and it brakes the bubble he is in. he
then flees. Muffin looks upset and uses ember on Chill "Snap out of
it!". Burn finds the others and trys to help. Frost starts to wake
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 17:51 (10 Years ago)
Chill faints and Lotus picks her up "Wow, I knew she could get
pretty sad, but I never knew she could get that Angry"
Neil nods "I guess we don't really know everything about her"
Tim follows Burn
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 17:53 (10 Years ago)
Muffin hugs ash "Like you dont know a lot on my or ash" Muffin
looks happy.
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 17:57 (10 Years ago)
Ash hugs Muffin back
Neil looks at the two hugging each other "Wait, you two are a
couple now?"
Ash nods "Yep"
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 17:59 (10 Years ago)
Muffin looks at Neil "Well really we are just really good friends.
like you and Frost or Burn and tim or even Blizzard and Chill."
Muffin looks calm.
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:08 (10 Years ago)
"Yeah that's kind of what I meant" Neil rubs the back of his head
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:10 (10 Years ago)
Muffin keeps hugging ash. Burn looks at Lotus and walks over to him
"I know one day you will feel like we do." Burn gives Lotus a hug.
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:21 (10 Years ago)
Tim loos around "Soooo, What happened hear"
Ash shrugs "I'm not so sure myself."
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:26 (10 Years ago)
Muffin stops hugging Ash "If i told you how this happened you would
she shocked.". Burn keeps hugging Lotus.
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:28 (10 Years ago)
Lotus looks at Burn "Okay you can stop now" :I
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:30 (10 Years ago)
Burn stops and walk away "Sorry......." Burn runs away.
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:31 (10 Years ago)
Neil slaps Lotus on the back of the head "You didn't need to be so
Tim follows Burn "Wait up!"
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:34 (10 Years ago)
Burn trips again and faints. Frost looks around "What happened?".
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:40 (10 Years ago)
Tim picks up Burn and Neil puts down Frost "Good you're awake, Well
basically we've all been threatened by a bunny"
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:44 (10 Years ago)
Frost looks mad "King Wiggle! i know him! he tried to take my home
town for him self!" Frost blows a little fire.
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:47 (10 Years ago)
Ash looks at Frost "Are you sure it's him?"
Neil nods "Well I guess you two and Blizzard have some knowledge on
our enemy"
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:52 (10 Years ago)
Frost punches the ground "I have some Pay Back to do!" Frost looks
super mad. Burn does not wake up.
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 18:58 (10 Years ago)
Ash tries to calm Frost down "Frost, calm down, our whole village
could barely beat his army."
Neil looks toward ash and Frost "If his army is that pile of toys I
shot away earlier then I don't know why you're worried"
Tim tries and wake up Burn "Maybe she's cold." Tim gives Burn his
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 19:02 (10 Years ago)
Frost calms down "He has golems made of earth,fire,water,life and
sky.". Burn does not wake up or move.
Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sat, 31/01/2015 19:23 (10 Years ago)
Chill wakes up "Uhh......what....happened?"
Neil puts Frost Down "Well if that's the case we have to get out
quickly, who knows when he'll try to reclaim his castle"
Tim shakes Burn "Come on, wake up."