Magma looks at Neil "I have now that Dark Magic has been truly
killed but now my friends from the other world are in bigger
danger." Magma looks down "How will i ever feel like i have truly
gained your trust?" Magma sits down and crys some more.
Magma looks at lotus and crys "I am sorry for the way i treated
you. I have learned my lesson and i have made friends who i cant
see now. i was teleported here while i was attacking some one so i
could help save my new friends......." Magma crys a lot.
Magma looks at Lotus "Who? i have never heard that name." Magma
crys some more "I owe Raika and Caroline my life. they gave me life
again after i died and some how got to that other planet......."
Magma looks at frost. Frost starts to wake up.
Magma looks at ash "I some how went to this other planet. it is
different then eversnow. i made friends. Dark Magic was killed and
i could gain light. i felt like i was doing some thing right for
once. I was a good guy......." Magma looks at Frost "Ask her what i
did after i was teleported back.".
Frost looks at ash "First she attacked me by mistake and then she
helped me by taking my heat. she saved me in a way risking her own
life." Frost smiles.
Magma shakes tim's hand and then looks at Lotus "At this point i
would not trust myself ether at this point. i did so many bad
things to you and the others. i just find it hard to believe the
others trust me........" Magma crys more and soon faints.