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Book of life

Forum-Index Diaries Book of life
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sun, 25/01/2015 09:56 (10 Years ago)
To: user who's reading this

Hello~ my name is spottedleaf as you can see, I have only one shiny so far and I do not play seven h.s a day.
This is my diary, called book of life to me. You are welcomed to read, but please do not post.
I will post one or twice a week.

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Friends that talk to me a lot

Friends that bug me sometimes but are nice

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Who I think should and shouldn't read
Users who hate me hey! You read this far, congrats on not punching the screen!
Hope-angel persons you might not want despair in what your readingXD

From: spottedleaf:3
:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sun, 01/02/2015 12:16 (10 Years ago)
I haven't wrote here in a week because I was busy. School started this week too.My legs are sore because of skiing for three days;^;
I see a few people looked at my book of life.

:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sat, 07/02/2015 14:12 (10 Years ago)
hello~ It's currently 11:09 where I am right now. I know it's late for some people, but I always play this late:b I have so many mystery keys but no boxes. Anybody want to trade? Key for box???
Well. I might go skiing tommarow or watch big hero at central mega box.(it just came out this monthXD)
Bye for now.

:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sun, 08/02/2015 14:11 (10 Years ago)
after this week I'm finally going out of elementary school!!! Yay!!! But the bad news is that I have to start wearing school uniforms:( they're not that bad but they just look..... Uncomfortable. And I hate grayish red. they. Look. Horrible. Watched hing hero today. It was fun and I made cream and my arms fell off.
:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Fri, 13/02/2015 06:40 (10 Years ago)
ok... im back online after my elementry graduation. my mom was late for it. that's all for now.
:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Fri, 13/02/2015 09:50 (10 Years ago)
ok.... i got back from maths and now in backXD you can see my mood has changed. its because i had so much delicious food today!!! so, ill list you what i ate:
1. potato&cream soup with bread&cream&strawbery jam:b
2. black ramen
3. a extra HUGE macarong
what im gonna/possibly eat:
1. sushi!!!!!!!
2. grilled meat!!!! (althou i hate meat)
3. takbokki
3. kinbabroll!
ok. have to go. bye!

:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Fri, 13/02/2015 10:55 (10 Years ago)
ok.... i will write for the 3rd time today.
i have a new avatar up for ths month for valentines day. hope you like itc:

:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Fri, 13/02/2015 14:30 (10 Years ago)
roses are red
violets are blue
a lonely darkness awaits
just for some of us

roses are red
violets are blue
a light awaits
for some of you

roses are red
violets are blue
where you are
out in the light

roses are red
violets are blue
where we are
they are blood

roses are red
violets are blue
mended hearts
where you are

roses are red
violets are blue
torn dripping hearts
never mended here

roses are red
violets are blue

:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sat, 14/02/2015 12:00 (10 Years ago)
valentines day!! Although it's not a happy day for some. That's all for today. I would also be happy if you would try to make xgreninja to come back.
:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Tue, 17/02/2015 14:07 (10 Years ago)
Yay! I got a new smart phone! Well. Although it's gonna come like... 5 days after=.= it's new year. So we celebrate and we need alto of fruit, veg and a lot of other things. I'm going to my grandmother's house so I might not be on for the next three days......... Good thing is that I'm gonna get alto of ₩ and I plan to spend it on buying more warrior cats books:3

:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Fri, 20/02/2015 13:51 (10 Years ago)
ok.... 3more days till my phone arrives.... Any body selling miltank/Combee?
Will pay a few ks or plushies or items or pokemons......
Please palpad me030
Also trading honey for milk.

:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Tue, 24/02/2015 13:00 (10 Years ago)
Today morning:
Did dog."hello??"
Me: yes??
Dliver guy: this is from the phone company to 000. Are you 000?
Me: yes
Deliver guy: I need your mother's signiture
Me: umm.... My mom isn't here.
Deliver guy: I'll come tomorrow then.
Me: *phones mom* holy ****

After wards:
3 nuggets and 5 ice gems found in mystery box

A lot after wards
Ding dog
Mom:*opens door
Me: yay! The phone!!

After that.....
Me: oh crap. Why are you supposed to put a nickname in this??

After that

Ka talk!
Ka talk!
Ka ka ka talk!
:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sat, 07/03/2015 11:27 (10 Years ago)
havent wrote in a while. Started to play the flute a few days ago. Figured out how to play the firast part of lugia's song. It was easy, you should try it too, and I'm too lazy to figure out more........
Middle school's not great..... Why do I have to play soccer??? I am not good at it and why the hell did they put dodge ball out??? I also found out that even the people who lost Rock Paper Scissors got to play badminton. That's soooooo unfair:(
Well, I guess you domes know what I'm talking about, partly beacuse I'm too sleepy to spell correctly and do the grammar correctly.

:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sun, 08/03/2015 11:59 (10 Years ago)
The world is going around in a loop today.....

Today there was a pokemon on the index page and the pokemon after that was my vap.
Now I log in and I see the same pokemon. Then the absol........ Then my vap.....
And by vap. I mean my vaporeon.

:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sat, 14/03/2015 14:19 (10 Years ago)
today's white day! *dances around, falls* ouch. ㅇㅅㅇ
My friend: can you draw future me please??
Me: sure! *sketches*(more like doodle)

Me: here: *postes picture*
My friend: I will never look like that. That. Is toooo. Pretty.
Me: well, you never know:>

Will post picture if you palmpad me how to030

:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Wed, 08/04/2015 09:58 (9 Years ago)
Today im sick. I felt sick when i woke up and even more sick when i went to school. After 2nd period i was sent home.
Now im starving;^; gonna go and buy something to eat.
:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sun, 26/04/2015 10:44 (9 Years ago)
Uh... Sorry. I am really busy and math =stress. Why am i learning maths that is a few grades up?? Why would a 7th grader learn (x-4)(x-4)?????
To put it simple here:
:3 Spottedleaf

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sat, 06/06/2015 14:10 (9 Years ago)
Sorry haven't been on for a ling time:,(
School gives out loads of homework amd i have two speeches to make.*sigh*
I wont be coming a lot like i used to. Hope you dont miss me.
:3 Spottedleaf