Forum Thread
Double Dreams
Forum-Index → Diaries → Double Dreams(Wanted two of each, so that we each can have one)
- Chickorita {1m}, Totodile {1m}
- Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup
- Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott {1m}
- Chespin {1m}
Other Cuties:
- Paras [H], - Venonat [H], - Bellsprout [H], - Dewgong [R], - Shellder [R] {1m}, - Krabby [M] {1m}, - Cubone [R] {1m}, - Chancy, - Horsea [R] {1m}
- Natu [H], - Hoppip [M] {1m}, - Sunkern [M],- Misdreavus [H], - Teddiursa [M] {1m}, - Swinub [H], - Delibird [R], Houndoom [H], - Phanpy [M] {1m}
- Aron [M] {1m}, - Plusle [R], - Spoink [M], - Milotic [R]
- Mime Jr [R], - Happini [R], - Riolu [M] {1m}, - Finneon [M], - Frostlass [H]{need stone}
- Munna [H], - Audino [R], - Sewaddle [E] {1m}, - Sandile [M], - Dweeble [M], - Minccino [M] {1m}, - Deerling [H], - Litwick [M], - Axew [?], - Cubchoo [H] {1m}
- Litleo [S], - Spritzee [?], - Noibat [?], - Floette (all colors H: Blue,)
Kitties: [Hording]
Meowth, Persian, Skitty, Delcatty [+moon], Glameow, Purrloin, Liepard, Espurr, Meowstick M/F
Eevees: [have enough for all, need the evolutions]
- Eevee [x], Vaporeon [need waterstone], Jolteon [x], Flareon [x]
- Espeon [need soothebell], Umbreon [need soothbell]
- Leafeon [x], Glacion [x]
- Sylveon
Starters: Bulbasaur [x], Squirtle [x], Charmander [x]/ Treecko [x], Torchic [x], Mudkip [x]/ Froakie [x]
- Butterfree [x]/- Pidgey [x]/- Rattata [x]/- Pikachu [x]/- Sandshrew [x]/- Nidoran M [x], Nidoran F [x]/- Vulpix [x], Ninetales [x]/- Jigglypuff [x]/- Zubat [x]/- Oddish [x]/- Diglett [x]/- Psyduck [x]/- Growlithe [x], Arcanine [x]/- Tentacool [x]/- Ponyta [x]/- Doduo [x]/- Ghastly [x], Haunter [x], Gengar [x]/- Koffing [x]/- Staryu [x]/- Lapras [x]/
- Sentret [x]/-Furret [x]/- Noctowl [x]/- Pichu [x], Cleffa [x], Igglybuff [x]/- Mareep [x], Flaffy [x], Ampharos [x]/- Bellosom [x]/- Wooper [x]/- Girafarig [x]/- Sneasel [x]/Cyndaquil [x]/
- Zigzagoon [x]/- Poochyena [x], Mightyena [x]Linoone [x]/- Beautifly [x]/- Electrike [x]- Minun [x]/- Roselia [x]/- Spindra [x]/- Absol [x]/- Spheal [x]/- Luvdisc [x]/- Castform [x]/- Starly [x]
- Shinx [x]/- Budew [x]/- Burmy [x]/- Parchirisu [x]/- Cherubim [x]/- Buneary [x]
- Lilipup [x]/- Blitzle [x]/- Woobat [x]/- Petilil [x]/- Zorua [x]/- Joltik [x]
- Fennekin [x]/- Fletchling [x]/- Vivillon [x]/- Skiddo [x]/- Dedenne [x]/- Furfrou [x]/- Phantump [x]/- Pumpkaboo [x]/