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Are you afraid of the dark? (A fnaf RP. Closed forever.)
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Roleplay → Are you afraid of the dark? (A fnaf RP. Closed forever.)
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 18:50 (10 Years ago)
" Shut up she'll hear us we need to hurry." Jane whispered
Lapiss OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 13
Forum Posts: 493
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 19:57 (10 Years ago)
Foxy began stuffing the body into a suit, then he ran off to Pirate
Herny OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Forum Posts: 920
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:02 (10 Years ago)
Freddy sprinted to the stage.
*The bell for 6 AM was ringing*
there! if you'd like to learn more about me, go check my
Lapiss OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 13
Forum Posts: 493
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:12 (10 Years ago)
"Darnit.." Foxy said, hearing the bell.
Herny OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Forum Posts: 920
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:14 (10 Years ago)
The children sprinted in.
there! if you'd like to learn more about me, go check my
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:19 (10 Years ago)
"Hi kids would you like to see freddy and the gang" Jane says as
she stands by the entrance welcoming the children
Herny OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Forum Posts: 920
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:20 (10 Years ago)
there! if you'd like to learn more about me, go check my
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:22 (10 Years ago)
"ok children go to the party room for all the goodies you want
including pizza" Jane said trying her best not to break her
character and yell
Lapiss OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 13
Forum Posts: 493
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:23 (10 Years ago)
One kid looked like this.
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:25 (10 Years ago)
" It's show time hurry along your pizza is a waits you"
Lapiss OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 13
Forum Posts: 493
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:26 (10 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:30 (10 Years ago)
" The pizza is in the party room and remember don't touch Freddy
and friends or else you won't get any pizza. Now hurry before
Chikka eats all of you're pizza." Jane says trying to get the large
group of children to go into the party room.
Lapiss OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 13
Forum Posts: 493
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:31 (10 Years ago)
Foxy was sitting in the out of order part of pirates cove, sighing.
One kid was really excited for pizza.
Herny OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 32
Forum Posts: 920
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:34 (10 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:35 (10 Years ago)
Jane looks into the party room to see the group and mouths the
words "help me"
Iceyu OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 37
Forum Posts: 163
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:38 (10 Years ago)
Sophie comes in The pizzaria )
Sophie: Hello?
Frosty: * sees sophie come in *
Lapiss OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 13
Forum Posts: 493
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:41 (10 Years ago)
(Ok lets stop posting them.) "I wish I could see the children
again.." Foxy said, sighing.
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:43 (10 Years ago)
"hello welcome to Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria how may I help you?"
Jane asks not breaking character.
Lapiss OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 13
Forum Posts: 493
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:48 (10 Years ago)
Suddenly a fat kid ran through the entrance.
(Okay i promise that is the last gif.)
Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:51 (10 Years ago)
"may god have mercy on our souls" Jane whispered as she watched the
rather large child run through the crowed pushing kids over in the