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Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Destiny
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 29
Posted: Fri, 12/07/2013 19:18 (11 Years ago)

In the world of Amaranth, the continent of Valture was ruled by a kind and just king named Richter Amun. He was respected by the people of the land and worked with the league of Rangers ti keep the Pokemon of the continent in check. Pokemon who's populations exceeded the limits were either captured to be trained or hunted for their meat, feathers, and anything else that the people could make use of. When a population of Pokemon dwindled, the Rangers made sure to prevent hunting of those species and worked towards helping the numbers recover to a sustainable level.

After marrying Victoria Cousland, the daughter of the teyrn of Hurvale, the king began to focus on preparing for a family life. While most saw marriage as a bliss, for a king or noble, it meant trying to balance a family life with ruling the entire continent. While the various townships had their own rulers which followed the rule of the king, known as teyrns, it didn't make ruling any easier.

Within the span of two years, Victoria bore two sons, each within 11 months of each other. The elder son, Simon, was raised to become the next king, while the younger son Robert, was raised to command military troops for the continent's defense in case of invasion from other countries as well as maintaining law within the land and rooting out corruption.

As the sons grew, each displayed their own personality. Simon was decisive, commanding and arrogant while Robert was responsible, compassionate, and spent more time with his Pokemon and the Rangers than he did attending formals and other royal functions. The brothers had their differences, and as they grew, so did their displeasure with each other. Simon saw Pokemon as tools, weapons and sources of food, wealth and power. Robert saw Pokemon as lifelong companions, comrades and living beings that must be kept in balance.

As the years progressed, the king became mysteriously ill while Robert was away from the castle, attending to a distress summons from the Town of Tredmat regarding some rampaging Gyarados. In truth, the king was poisoned by Simon who had gathered several discontent teyrns to side with him. They wanted to be free from the various rules which restricted how Pokemon could be used, when they could be hunted, as well as the restrictions placed on expanding the lands which would cut into the various forests and wildlife habitats that those laws protected.

Robert came home only to be arrested by his brother for the king's untimely demise, pinning the poisoning on him and using his absence as 'proof' of the deed. Not everyone fell for Simon's lies however. Those who were not part of Simon's grand scheme quickly acted to save the young prince from being executed and began to wag war against Simon and his confederates.

The war has lasted for thirty years now. Robert holds his father's castle and the lands to the west while Simon has conquered and regrouped in the east, building a new castle in the town of Weilure. The lands under Robert's rule have retained the balance of nature and civilization, while the lands under Simon's rule have expanded civilization, dwindling the number of wild Pokemon and building war machines which have started to turn the tide of the war in Simon's favor.

Even in the face of the newest danger, King Robert had found a ray of hope, a prophecy from a wizened Gardevoir;

From the tainted land shall change sweep
Discontent with the horrors run deep
Perceptions shall change in war's bitter rage
And from the meekest of all shall all be set free

King Robert decided to take a defensive stance against his brother, placing the fate of his kingdom and the people upon the hope of this prophecy. Once could only hope he had made the right decision.
Pokemon X/Y FC: 3282-1808-1238
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 29
Posted: Fri, 12/07/2013 19:21 (11 Years ago)
Chapter 1: End of Innocence

Young Prince Camio sat quietly in his room. The young brown haired prince had been very cautious even since he managed to swipe a young Torchic from the castle's butcher, saving it from becoming their next meal. The young boy was only a mere fifteen years old, but over the many years, he was dissatisfied with how his father Simon treated Pokemon. Camio enjoyed being around Pokemon, as much as his father forbade him to spend any time with any Pokemon except his bodyguard Riolu.

Camio's Riolu, Lilly, was given to him by his father to be the boy's bodyguard. She was chosen from the military breeder and raised to only know combat and duty to the king. However, the years spent with Camio had opened her heart. She put herself back into serious mode anytime they were in public, but in private she played games with Camio and protected his Torchic, Flare, keeping her secret from everyone else in the castle.

Camio was dressed in his white dress shirt. Frills laced around his wrists while he left the collar of his shirt unbuttoned. Laying down on his back upon the bed in his moderate sized room made of stone, the young prince began feeding Flare and Lilly some berries he had snuck out from the dinner table. It was a regular ruse. He simply claimed to want to take some to snack on during his nightly studies. His black slacks adorned his lower body while his black silk socks covered his feet. So far, that was all those berries were believed to be.

Each night since he rescued the Torchic, he would sneak outside of the castle to train the both of them as well as playing with them. In the woods, there were no guards. It was rather sad when he thought about how fewer trees there were each year. Many of the wild Pokemon he knew as a younger child had all but gone over the years. Whether they were hiding from hunters, killed by hunters or merely fled the woods to find new places to live was anyone's guess.

After feeding Torchic and Riolu their berries, the young lad picked up one of the books his father wanted him to study fully. Opening the book up, Camio's brown eyes looked over the pages, outlining the laws of his father's kingdom. While there was always talk about the war, Camio couldn't help but feel indifferent about it all. He knew nothing about what was going on outside the castle or outside the township. He had seen tournament fights between knights and their Pokemon partners, but war was something foreign to him. All he knew was the castle and his father's expectations.

The Torchic bounced around the floor as she played tag with her Riolu friend. The silence was broken by a loud banging on the door. Camio knew his father only did that when Simon had caught Camio doing something like skipping out on his etiquette lessons. However, Camio couldn't think of a single reason why his father would be angry at him. He did everything that was expected of him for the day. The Torchic scurried under the bed to hide while the Riolu stood attentively at the bedside, sporting her serious, soldierly appearance.

Camio had no sooner put on his shoes as his father had slammed open the door. "What is it father? I've done everything today as you have asked." The boy spoke, holding the book in his right hand. It was then that he saw a guard and a rogue with him. The guard was dressed from chest to foot in silver and gold-trimmed full plate armor while the rogue was dressed in studded leathers, a dark green long sleeves shirt underneath the sleeveless studded top, and a black cloak covering his back.

"Save your protests Camio. I've noticed you absent from your room late at night many days ago. Ever since I've had my friend keep tabs on your nightly exploits. You left the castle to go and 'play' with your Riolu! That Riolu is your bodyguard, nothing more! A mindless animal meant to serve, not a toy! You are to become king when you grow older and you are not permitted to act like a child!" Simon spoke in a loud, stern voice. His father was wearing a velvet black dress shirt, black dress pants, black boots and his red with white fuzz trimmed cape. His face radiated disapproval and anger, even though he held a stoic posture. "It's time you learned to grow up boy. Guard, kill the Riolu."

Camio's eyes opened wide and suddenly charged the approaching guard. "No! You won't hurt her!" Camio yelled as he attempted to tackle the guard. The guard responded by kicking the boy to the floor and drawing his longsword, the man's eyes looking down at the Riolu that had dashed to Camio's side. Camio got to his feet and grabbed Lilly, holding her to his chest and turning his back towards the guard.

Seeing her friends in danger and angry over the guard's treatment of Camio, the Torchic speedily came out from underneath the bed and unleashed an Ember attack, striking the guard, the rogue and the king in their faces with burning flames. Now it was the point of no return. Camio took the opportunity, grabbing Flare and holding her in his other arm, bum-rushed his father and began running down the hall. He had to escape the castle or both of his friends were sure to die, perhaps even he himself. With his mother due with another boy, there would be no reason why his father would still need him as an heir. His father seemed completely fine with killing Lilly; would it be that far of a stretch to believe he would kill his own son out of anger?

"Stop him!" Simon's echoed voice rang throughout the hallway as the young prince dashed for the exit. He couldn't go the same route he did whenever he slipped out of the castle each night: they would no doubt have people guarding that area heavily now that his father knew about it. Several guards tried to obstruct the young prince's path, but Camio was small in stature and wasn't weighed down by armor. He readily dodged the guards. One of the guards began to head to the lever that controlled the iron bar gate. As the boy ran through the exit, the gate slammed down right behind him, almost hitting his heel. It was too close a call, but there was no time to rest. Soon soldiers would be chasing after him once the gate was pulled back up, and the more distance he put between himself an them, the better his chances of escape and survival.

The people in the town began watching the ongoing commotion as the young prince was running with two pokemon in his arms. By the time he was halfway through town, the guards began pouring out of the castle to give chase. The people knew nothing about what was going on, and felt puzzled and even somewhat scared to think of why so many soldiers would be chasing after the young prince. None of the commoners did anything to help or hinder the prince as the young boy made it into the forest, running as fast and as hard as his legs could take him.

Camio was gasping for air as he ran. It was one thing just to run normally, but carrying the two Pokemon, one sitting upon each arm made things definitely more difficult. He couldn't slow down even though his body was screaming for him to. Eventually the young prince collapsed, releasing both of his Pokemon from his arms. His chest rose and fell as he sucked in oxygen in deep, long breaths. Camio knew he couldn't rest for long. Lilly rubbed the boy's forehead with her paw while Blaze took a wild sitrus berry with her beak and waddled over to him, dropping the berry upon his chest.

Camio chuckled a bit as he took the berry from his chest. "Looks like you two are nursemaiding me now." the young boy jested before taking a bite out of the sweet, juicy berry. Camio only allowed to rest himself for a few minutes before he stood up and took a look around them. He brushed the dirt and dead leaves from his pants and from the back of his head. He felt a little better but he knew that they needed to keep ahead of their pursuers. But there was no real rest for the weary as the shout of one guard echoed through the forest.

"Prince Camio, return with us at once!" the male voice bellowed. Camio could see one armored knight racing towards him. Turning away, Camio picked up Flare in one arm and began running away while Lilly ran alongside him. Lilly was the only one of the two that could keep up with Camio. Flare's short bird-like legs didn't allow for her to move as fast, and she was much younger than Lilly.

The forest would not last forever however. As soon as Camio entered the clearing, he had to bring himself to an immediate halt. Before him was the edge of a cliff, a goof twenty foot drop to the forest below. He was trapped at that point, and as he turned around, the armored guard had caught up to him, his blade drawn from its sheath. The knight slowly approached Camio. "You've done a very bad thing young prince. You disobeyed your father, evidently stole that Torchic from the larder before it could be prepared, and now your Pokemon attacked the king and two royal servants Now, you will return with me to the castle once I dispose of your friends." the guard spoke. With a quick, forward thrust, the guard went to try and kill the Torchic.

Without even thinking, Camio charged the knight and struck him in the leg. He had hoped to knock the knight backwards but instead the knight tumbled forwards, over Camio and the Torchic, and ended up gripping the edge of the cliff with one hand. Camio turned around in horror and gripped the knight's armored hand with both of his. "I'm not going with you, but I'm not gonna let you die either!" Camio said as he tried to pull the knight up. Lilly grabbed Camio's left arm as she tried to help her master with the task.

The knight knew there was no way the boy could help him as the boy was slowly starting to lean forward, dangerously close to falling himself. "I'm sorry, but you have no choice in the latter. Live on my prince and live free." the knight spoke before unfastening the glove from the rest of his armor, allowing himself to plummet to his demise. Camio could hardly believe his eyes and fell backwards. Tears began to fill his eyes.

He had killed a man. It wasn't intentional and he did everything he could to try and save him, but he had just caused a man to die. Now he really couldn't return to the castle. If the army ever found the knight's body, they would presume he intentionally murdered the knight. Even for a royal, the punishment was death. Only the King and Queen was immune to this law. Stumbling to his feet, the young prince looked to Lilly and Flare. "Let's get out of here." he spoke in a fearful yet stern tone of voice. Camio headed along the open plains, avoiding the cliff side to reach the main road. he could only hope that from there they could find a trade caravan coming from Weilure and hitch a ride to a different town.
Pokemon X/Y FC: 3282-1808-1238
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 29
Posted: Fri, 12/07/2013 19:24 (11 Years ago)
Chapter 2: Aria of Flame

After several hours of walking and avoiding patrols, Camio managed to come across a caravan in a small meadow. They were breaking down camp and seemed like once they had finished, they would be ready to journey on. While at first he would jump at the opportunity, a thought had crossed his mind. He saw how they were all dressed, wearing clothing more suitable for common folk, while he was wearing a rather extravagant shirt and dress pants. If he just went up to them and asked for a ride, they would believe he was rich and want some form of payment. Even though he was a royal, he only had ten gold coins in his pocket, which was his weekly allowance. While that was still a lot, it was also enough to raise questions.

Sneaking himself and his Pokemon into the caravan held its own risks. What if they were headed to the castle? If they found him smuggling himself along, it would mean serious trouble for him and his Pokemon. He knew he needed to be careful. Camio had never really lived outside of the castle or the castle township, and his times outside of the castle into the township were themselves rather brief. Taking in a deep breath, Camio decided perhaps the best thing to do was to talk to them, find out where they were going. He could make up a story about himself if he needed to.

Camio and his two pokemon approached one of the caravan members. "Um, excuse me. Would you happen to know which way Lorhome town is?"[/blue] the young boy asked. A few of the traders looked over as Camio addressed what was apparently the head of the caravan. The gray-haired goteed man looked down on the young boy with a bit of puzzlement in his eyes. The boy looked like he was from a wealthy family based on how he was dressed, yet he was only accompanied by two Pokemon and traveling by foot.

[color=orange]"That's quite a ways from here lad. About a good two days travel by Rapidash. What business would you have down there that you would travel by foot?"
the strong yet elderly looking man asked, the man's muscled arms crossing over his chest. Camio had to think fast and come up with something believable. He turned his head down and canted to the left with a sad look upon his face.

"My mother passed away, and by law I'm not old enough to inherit the house. But my mother told me about an uncle that lived in Lorhome. I took what little I was allowed to before the soldiers took the house. Once I'm old enough, I'll be able to claim it back. But I've never been outside of Weilure before." he spoke, making sure he sounded a little forlorn and confused. it was a lie with a tint of truth. he never did get to go to other towns. He knew they existed, his father made sure he knew what townships lay under his alliance, but he had never been there. Also, the law prohibited any person under the age of eighteen to inherit property, but was allowed to reclaim it upon reaching adulthood if he swore an oath to provide for the military whenever they needed. At the very least, his vast knowledge of the law and how the military treated civilians was certainly accurate.

The old man canted his head to the side as he took the boy's story in. Still, the boy looked quite well off from his clothing. "I can understand that, but even then they should have allowed you to take some coin to purchase transportation." the man spoke. "And from your clothing I can say you're mother must have been rather well off."

Camio gave a soft nod to the man's assessment. And since the man was a trader, he would know many of the merchants from the city. However, Camio had to play his hand and come up with something believable. "Well, mother never told me what she did for work, but I've seen her walking around with a lot of different guys before. I had thought she was looking for someone to become my next dad. She wouldn't talk about it though, but she always came home with nice things and coin." Camio explained, acting innocent though he did know how prostitution was a legalized form of work, so long as all prostitutes were registered and regulated. "She bought me this shirt last year on my birthday. It's been my favorite ever since." he added.

The elderly man chuckled a bit, taking in the story and coming to the conclusion of his mother being a prostitute. No woman living that line of work would ever want their children knowing that they sold their bodies and time for money. "Well I must say your mother must have been very beautiful if she was able to afford something like that. But those workers do make very good coin for their company. I'll tell you what kid. While we aren't headed to Lorhome, we can take you to the nearest town, Hashtar. I know someone there who rents Rapidashes that are trained to take ya to any town within the landship of King Simon. By the way, my name's Minis. What's yours young lad?" the old traveling merchant asked.

Camio smiled and eagerly shook the man's offered hand. "I'm Vincent sir." Camio replied with a cheery, boyish tone of voice. So far things were going better than he had hoped. Still, he felt he needed to be cautious of these people. He wasn't paranoid of them suspecting him to be someone other than who he claimed to be. He just wanted to keep himself, Lilly and Flare safe.

"You can travel in the back of my supply wagon. All that's back there is are clothes and camping gear, so I doubt you'll be able to swipe anything and not be noticed." the old man spoke. Camio gave a nod of his head as he pondered something. "If it's alright, could I pay you for this travel and for one change of clothes?" Camio asked as he pulled out one gold coin from his pants pocket. The old man took the coin and looked it over, making certain it was the real deal before pocketing it. "Certainly. This should cover that and a few sets of clothes. Now hop on in, we're all packed up and ready to move out."

Camio smiled and scurried his way into the supply wagon, along with his Torchic and Riolu. The wagon was covered in a heavy tarp while the clothes and leathers were folded up neatly in the chests that lined either side of the wagon. Camio wasted no time in picking out a more common outfit. Brown burlap pants, a green long-sleeved shirt, brown studded sleeveless leather jerkin, a black hooded cloak and a backpack. With the cover of the tarp, the only ones that would see him change clothes were Lilly and Flare. He also tucked away a single sleeping bag into the backpack, anticipating a few nights out under the starry sky. Even with everything he had selected, none of it combined totaled the gold coin he paid for clothes, gear and travel.

The ride was rather bumpy, but Camio didn't complain and neither did his companions. He shared a handful of pecha berries he picked up before they met the merchant caravan. The sweet flavor was much to Lilly's liking. Flare didn't seem to mind it, though her personal favorites were cheri berries. Still, it was safer and less tiring to ride in a merchant's cart than to walk, or mayhap run, through the forests. The forests still had Pokemon living in them, and most of them were very defensive of their homes, especially ever since Simon's father gained power of those areas. With human populations in Simon's land growing and the amount of forest and wild lands dwindling, what wild Pokemon were left fought to the death to protect their homes from any intruders. He could only wonder what life was like in the lands controlled by his uncle King Robert.

Three hours of travel had passed. Camio spent the hours thinking of where he could go from that town on. He knew he needed to make it to his uncle's kingdom, perhaps petition him for protection against his father. Perhaps he could help his uncle defeat Simon with Camio's intimate knowledge of the castle. His father was ruining the lives of the Pokemon that lived in the ever scarce forests as townships increased in size and the welfare of all Pokemon were all but discarded. Slave labor, food, cannon fodder; that all Pokemon were to his father.

Suddenly, strange sounds started whizzing around the caravan. the carriages came to an abrupt halt. As Camio was bout to stand up, an arrowhead pierced through the wooden arc that was supporting the canopy tarp only an inch away from Camio's face, causing the boy to fall backwards onto his already sore rump. Camio crawled over to the flapped rear exit and took a peek outside. Bandits, some of them with Sneasels and Umbreons, and most of them sporting crossbows. This was not good.

"Hold up there old timer. These roads are under our protection. If you wanna get past without further incident, you're going to have to pay the toll. And judging from the number of cargo carriages you're haulin`, I think you can easily cough up fifty silver. Otherwise, I can't say what's going to happen to your lovely little crew." the lead bandit spoke as he stood in front of the caravan, brandishing two mini crossbows. At his side was a Seviper and a Weavile.

"You're pretty foolish yourself if you think we have no defenses. Kazza! Do it!" The elderly merchant called out. From above the caravan, an Alakazam appeared and unleashed a powerful Psychic attack upon the Seviper, throwing the snake into the bandit leader. This action, however, spurred the other bandits into action, along with their pokemon. The bandits let loose their arrows while the Sneasels and Umbreons began launching Dark Pulse and Ice Shard attacks at the Alakazam.

The strong psychic Pokemon used another psychic attack to snatch the arrows and send them back at the bandits, but it couldn't dodge all of the pokemon attacks. It was struck multiple times before falling to the ground, collapsed right in front of the rear entrance of the wagon Camio was in. As several of the dark type Pokemon came in for the kill, Camio, Lilly and Flare burst out of the cart and stood between the four dark-types and their prey. "Ember! Force Palm!" the young boy called out

Flare released a sweeping blast of flaming bullets, hitting the Sneasels on their weak point. Meanwhile Lilly struck at each of the two Umbreons separately with Force Palm attacks. Camio took out his last sitris berry and handed it to the nearly fainted Kazza, to which the psychic pokemon gratefully accepted and readily ate to restore some of his strength.

The bandits drew their blade, those that were not slain by the redirected arrows and launched themselves at the merchants. While the merchants were armed, they were not as skilled in combat as the bandits were. One armed bandit charged at Camio. Camio hopped backwards, narrowly avoiding the man's blade. But what the boy didn't see was a perched Umbreon which then struck the boy in the side with a Take Down attack, knocking Camio into the wagon wheel of the wagon he came out of. Now, one bandit and the Umbreon approached the injured boy, poised to kill.

Lilly saw her master in danger and quickly launched herself at the bandit, taking the man down with a Blaze Kick attack, while Flare launched a blitz of Ember flames at the Umbreon. Several other Umbreons came down and began assaulting Flare with a rapid succession of Quick Attacks. With the bandit unconscious, Lilly leaped out to aid Flare, only to be struck by two Sneasels on their Sucker Punch attacks. Flare was worn as the last Quick Attack launched her into Camio's gut, knocking the boy back down as he was trying to stand back up. Lilly was busy taking down the two Sneasels while the four Umbreons all launched themselves at Flare and Camio, fangs bared for the kill. Flare felt the urgency and rage enter her mind, determined not to let any of them harm the boy who saved her life. She could feel new power swiftly enter into her as her form began changing. Before the Umbreons could land their attacks, all four were struck and knocked out by the Combuskin's Sky Uppercut attack. Seeing Lilly having a difficult time with the two Sneasels, she let loose a powerful Flamethrower, fainting Lilly's attackers.

The bandits were finally driven off by the merchants and Alakazam, but they were not without their own losses. Three of the seven merchants were killed in the attack, along with two of their Pokemon, a Chansey and a Houndour. The elderly man was among the three dead. "Times grow tougher each year." One of the surviving merchants spoke, a male wearing clothes similar to that of the old man. "Ever since the war began, there were always troubles with bandits, but now that King Simon has committed his knights to either fighting the war or guarding the palace, there's no more patrols on the road. Everyone's too afraid to request guards from him since he hung the last merchant that argued with him about the need for patrols along the trade roads."

Camio looked down as he stroked the heads of his Riolu and newly evolved Combusken. He knew his father was a strict man, but to see the results of his father's actions made him despise his old man even more. "He's mad. He's let this damn war consume him." Camio muttered quietly to himself. However, the merchant caught what was said. "You should be careful of your words. I know there aren't any patrols, but if anyone truly loyal to him hears you, you could be executed for treason." the man spoke calmly. Camio merely shook his head.

"He already wants me dead for protecting those I care about, and I'm his own son." Camio admitted to the man. The merchant felt a bit shocked at Camio's words, taking a step back. However, the man quickly regained his composition and placed a hand upon the boy's shoulder. "I see. Well, I can see why you lied to us about who you were, but you need not worry. We are no supporters of your father and there has been growing discontent among the lower classes. I'm sure you most likely want to go to your uncle's lands, but getting there will be extremely difficult. The real fighting is rather fierce around the boarders. Anyone trying to cross that war zone are usually cut down by stray arrows or a knight's blade. For now, let's bury our dead and continue to the closest town. I know a few people there we can talk to."

Camio looked up at the man and gave a calm nod to him. His body was still aching, and so far the merchants have proved honorable in their dealings. he would have to take the man at his word. Still, everything seemed so wrong. His father had been turning his back on his own people, even executing them for speaking their needs. He could hardly call Simon his father anymore without the taste of bile rising in the back of his throat.
Pokemon X/Y FC: 3282-1808-1238
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 29
Posted: Fri, 12/07/2013 19:25 (11 Years ago)
Chapter 3: Heart of a Warrior

“Well, here we are. The township of Hashtar. I'll bring you to see my friend Alistair, he's one of the rebel leaders. Considering what you said about your father, you don't have to worry about being used as a hostage. I'm sure if anyone can get you across the warring boarder, he and his people can.” The young merchant spoke as the caravan came to a stop. The town looked rather small and impoverished. Camio hopped off of the coach seat, followed by his Riolu and Combuskin. Looking at the run-down shacks that people lived in, he could see why his father's own people would want to stand against him. His father had been raising taxes to continue the war effort and soldiers would raid these towns for any supplies they wanted. All Camio could do was look around with a confused gaze.

The young merchant tapped Camio on the shoulder, reclaiming the boy's attention. “I'm sure this is quite a shock to see when you've lived your life in what many would consider to be luxury. Come, let's go talk to Alistair.”. Camio took in a deep breath before turning to follow the merchant into a run-down looking tavern.

The air inside stank of cheap ale and body odor. Camio quickly lifted the collar of his shirt up to cover his nose. Even his two Pokemon companions found the air noxious and covered their noses with their paws. The female waitstaff were dressed in low-cut brown serving dresses while many of the round wood tables were filled with young and old men drinking to forget the misery they endured.

In a shadowed corner sat a man dressed in a black hooded cloak. The table he sat at had no one else, but one empty chair on the opposite side of the table. The young merchant sat down and spoke in whispers with the man. After what seemed like only a few short minutes, the cloaked man stood and approached Camio. “Come with me. We've much to speak of, but none of it here.” The man spoke in a quiet tone of voice, his hand pushing on Camio's upper back.

Camio was a bit hesitant, but only for a second. He still had the protection of Lilly and Flare should he be placed in danger. Camio followed the man out of the tavern and through the town, his two Pokémon following close behind. Upon coming to a tall and very thick tree, the stranger knocked four times on the bark. The tree was as wide and thick as a small house and taller than any tree he had seen before.

A hidden door opened, and Camio swiftly followed the man inside. The entire inside of the tree was hollowed out into a multi-floored tower. Everything inside was made from the wood of the very tree they were inside. The cloaked man removed his hood, his messy, curly black hair falling to his shoulders.

“From what I hear, the great King Simon must be becoming ever more a tyrant if his own son flees from him. A blessing for us all in fact. You may call me Warden. Alistair is training new recruits at the moment, but we shall see what we can do to get you to your uncle. Any information you can provide us and your uncle when you arrive to him will prove invaluable in helping us all stop his madness.” the man spoke as looked at Camio's face.

Camio gave a nod to Warden's words. He did feel a bit conflicted. People died in wars, and quite often wars came to their ends when the leader of an opposing nation was killed. However, throughout the years Camio had seen his father's treatment of Pokémon and of his own people worsen. Simon was being corrupted by power. While he had his fatherly moments, the truth of the matter couldn't be dismissed.

“I want to see him defeated. If possible, I'd prefer he be captured and imprisoned. He does still have some good in him. But if it comes down to it, I will understand and accept it if death is the only result.” Camio replied before taking another deep breath. Reaching over with his right hand, Camio stroked Lilly's head and ears gently. It was more an effort to get over the gravity of everything than a simple show of affection.

“I see. You are a more mature young man than most to be able to admit such a thing.” Warden spoke . As he talked to the boy, a man dressed in pitch black metal armor walked up the stairs. The man had no helmet on, letting his fair-skinned fair and short, military like cut brown hair be visible. Warden cocked his head to the side to see who it was before then looking back to Camio, taking a few steps back.

“And here is the man of the hour. This is Alistair, our leader. Sir, this here is Prince Camio, a son of King Simon who has decided to take up arms against his own father.” Warden spoke before turning to fully face the black knight Alistair. Alistair looked upon the young boy with a cold gaze from his blue eyes that seemed to pierce through Camio's soul as if trying to read into the boy's thoughts.

“I see. Please, leave us.” Alistair spoke in a calm tone of voice. With a bow of his head, the cloaked man left the tree hideout and headed back to the tavern. The armored knight walked closer to Camio, but Camio did not move. “You are a brave lad to seek us out.” Alistair spoke. Camio shook his head a bit.

“I am hardly brave. My Pokémon are the ones who helped defend the caravan against a group of bandits, and I fled the castle with them in order to protect them from being killed. My father has gone mad with power. Even now I feel he seeks my death because I defied him, because I refused to be the son he wishes me to be. Even now I seek to reach my Uncle to help bring this war to an end so no one else has to die, human or Pokémon.” Camio spoke with a calm tone of voice.

“You are braver than you may think. True heroes don't march into battle for honor and glory. They fight for the sake of others. You stood up to the most powerful man in this country and defied him, even if it was by running from him. I overheard some of your conversation with Warden and you have a sharper head on your shoulders than you give yourself credit for.” Alistair replied before sitting himself down at the table by the wall candle.

“So, have you ever had to fight before? To reach the other land where your uncle rules, you'll have to go through a war zone. There's no way around that part.” Alistair asked, resting back a bit in the chair. Camio closed his eyes for a brief moment.

“I've learned how to command my Pokémon to fight. I've been taught some basics in using a sword, but I've never willingly taken someone's life.” Camio admitted. It was true, he didn't intend for the knight that pursued him to plunge to his death. Still it didn't change the fact that the deed was still done, accidental or not.

“Never willingly you say? But I would admit by that phrase you probably have killed someone. Am I right?” Alistair asked. Camio gave a solemn nod of his head. “One knight chased me to the edge of a cliff and tried to kill Lilly, my Riolu. I ran right into his leg, but instead of falling backwards, he fell over me and off the cliff.” Camio admitted. The young man's face looked pained in recalling the event.

Alistair placed his gloved hand on the boy's shoulder. “It's never easy coming to terms with having to take the lives of others. Your father has caused a great number of lives to end because of this war that he started. But it doesn't make the facts any easier to grasp, especially for a young boy like you. But, if freedom and peace are ever to emerge again, this war must be fought and won. Freedom always comes at the cost of blood.” he spoke before standing up.

“The way I see it, you have three options. The first is your original plan, try and get across the war zone and seek aid from your uncle. No doubt he will benefit greatly from your help if you survive the crossing. The second is to keep running and hiding while the war goes on, pray for the best. Your third option would be to join us and help us by facing your father's forces. You know the military and the castle better than anyone else. In any case, you will have to learn how to fight. Really fight, not slap swords around until someone tells you to stop and tells you you've done a good job. I can help you there if you wish. In the end, the choice is yours.” Alistair spoke as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Camio closed his eyes once more as he thought things over. There was no doubt that regardless which route he chose, he would have to fight. Crossing the war lines was the most dangerous. Simply running and hiding would accomplish nothing. For him, the best option would be to join the resistance. Camio opened his eyes and looked up at Alistair. “Very well. I'll join your rebellion. Even if I were to make it past the war zone, my uncle's forces would still have to find a way over here to be of any real help, and father's troops will be less prepared for an attack from his own country.”

Alistair smiled and gave a nod to the young boy's decision. “Well, you are a smart one, no doubt. However, do not think for a second that I'll give you or your Pokémon partners any special treatment. I put my trainees through hell, and you will receive the same as them if not worse. We don't exactly have years to train, and like you said, the sooner this war is over with, the better.” the knight spoke before motioning for the boy to follow. “Now, come with me. I'll show you to your room. Also, tell no one your real name. Your intentions are noble and your heart is good, but to some who have lost their families to this war, they may not care about any of that and they may seek your life in retribution against your father.” Alistair warned.

Camio, Lilly and Flare followed the black knight up to the fourth floor of the hideout. There were sleeping bags everywhere, but they were all neatly arranged. “Go and set your stuff down and grab a sleeping bag from the box over in the corner. Make sure you lay yours out neat and orderly. A disciplined way of life is the best way to keep the mind sharp and focused in every aspect. After that, go down to the kitchen and help the cook. Once dinner is done, get some sleep. Tomorrow starts your training and you'll need every ounce of energy you can muster.”

“Yes sir.” Camio spoke in a military tone of voice. He headed over to the box to take out a sleeping bag of his own. Even though he already had one in his backpack, he knew there was a reason for it. After all, his sleeping bag that he had bought from the merchant along with his clothing was clean and comfortable. However, he needed to do away with creature comforts. He needed to 'lower' himself to the level of everyone else.

After a long night of cooking, pot washing and sleeping, the day saw Camio, Lilly and Flare up before sunrise with the sound of a constantly ringing cowbell. Camio jumped to his feet along with his groggy Riolu and Combuskin. Around him were the other recruits. Ringing the bell was Alistair, dressed in his heavy black armor. “Everyone down to the training room for your morning exercise! Hop to it!” Alistair called out like an angry drill sergeant.

All of the trainees including Camio were still in their skivvies as they rushed down to the basement floor of the hideout. Lilly and Flare kept close to Camio. Once they reached the basement, they all formed a military rank and file. All humans were in the front and all Pokémon were lined up along the back rows. Camio managed to find a spot in the last row of human trainees and stood like everyone else did. Alistair stepped in front of the group.

“New recruit, come forward.” Alistair spoke, eyeing Camio. The young boy stepped out of the formation and stood before him just as he stood when he was in the formation. “Turn around and state your name.” He spoke, listening to see if what he told the boy the night before actually sank in.

“My name is Vincent.” Camio announced to the group. Alistair gave a slight nod of approval. Taking an alias was the smart thing to do. The knight looked to the group.

“This young man, like all of you, decided to fight against the tyrant that has ruined our lives. Like all of you he has a past that is best left in the past. This is your new brother, your new comrade. We are bound by the single purpose of freedom, and we now have a means to strike the enemy at it's weakest and most critical point. But before we can, you must all be ready. This month, your training will be the most rigorous yet. If you don't pay attention, if you are not focused, you may end up dead. Now then, let us begin!” Alistair commanded.

The morning exercise was indeed grueling, though it was even more so for Camio. While everyone else had to do push-ups, Camio had the added weight of Alistair's iron clad boot on his back, applying more difficulty for the boy to overcome. When everyone had to do sit-ups, the boot was planted on Camio's chest, pushing the boy down as he kept trying to perform a sit-up. When the group had to run laps around the room, Alistair made Camio wear an armor chest piece. By the time the session was ended, Camio was gasping for air as he forced himself to stand at attention with the rest of the formation.

“Good work everyone. Now go wash yourselves at the hot spring, put on your clothes and get some breakfast.” Alistair commanded. The group headed up towards their sleeping room to grab their clothing. Camio walked as best he could to reach the stairs.

“Not too shabby for your first taste of real exercise. I doubted you'd last this long. You're will is impressive. Now it just needs to be tempered like a slab of steel on a smith's anvil. Just remember, this is just the beginning.” Alistair said after everyone but Camio had left the room. Camio gave a nod and forced himself up the stairs to the sleeping chamber.

After a very refreshing bath, a change of clothes and a hot bowl of oatmeal and pecha berries in his belly, Camio returned to the training room, ready for more training. Alistair had two sets of leather armor and two wooden bamboo swords. Alistair grabbed one leather suit and tossed it to Camio. “Put that on and take one of the swords. Everyone else, form a line. I want everyone to put their best into these fights Everyone will get to take a crack at the new kid and show him how to fight. As for the Pokémon, you all do the same with the new Riolu and Combuskin.” the knight ordered.

Camio took one of the wooden bamboo swords and readied himself. This seemed like insanity. Thirty-four kids he was going to have to fight against. Camio gripped the sword with both hands, holding it before him and close to his body. At the very least he knew how to fight defensively.

The first of the trainees to step up began attacking fiercely and quickly. Camio barely managed to block the attacks, but ended up getting nailed in the left arm and the stomach before then being hit over the head. At the very least, the leather helm absorbed the bulk of the strike, but it still knocked him down.

“Solid defenses, but defense only won't work. You need to hit your opponent kid.” Alistair chided as the young boy stood right back up. The first half-dozen fights were pretty one-sided with Camio receiving a bulky amount of pain. However, as the fights drew on, his skills began to develop. By the end of the torturous training, Camio had managed to beat the last twelve combatants. Camio managed to keep himself standing despite all of the bruises he suffered over his body.

His Pokémon were just as beat and sore from their ordeal. While they had fewer fights, each one of the Pokémon they had to fight against were even more skilled than the bandits they had fought off days ago. Alistair looked over to a Dragonite that had entered the room from the floor above. “Alright, time for one more battle. Vincent, you are going to fight me. Your Pokémon partners are going to fight Sapphira here.” Alistair spoke as he grabbed the bamboo sword from the last combatant Camio faced. The Dragonite stood over at the other side of the room beckoning for the Riolu and Combuskin to attack.

Camio and Alistair circled each other. Alistair had his sword held in the same defensive manner that Camio started out with. Camio quickly hopped forward with a jab, hopped back and then quickly forward again with a side slash to the upper left arm. Alistair lightly batted the thrust attack away, then swung the sword hard to intercept Camio's attack and strike the boy's right arm. Camio barely managed to hang onto the blade as pain wracked his entire arm from the sting. Alistair then charged and began striking at Camio relentlessly. Camio blocked as many attacks as he could, but each time he tried to counter, Alistair bashed him either with the sword or with his armored shoulder.

Things fared no better for Lilly and Flare. The Dragonite was able to shrug off their assaults, blasting back with Aqua Tail, Twister and Aerial Ace. Flare was taking the brunt of the punishment, barely able to stand after being nailed with a full-strength Aqua Tail. As the Dragonite flew in for the finisher with Aerial Ace, Lilly lunged in to take the hit. The blow slammed the Riolu hard into the wall. Getting back to her feet, Lilly charged again, trying to land a flurry of Force Palm attacks. Each time, however, she was struck with Aqua Tail or Twister.

In one final charge, Lilly's body began to glow. As she came out of her charge, the now fully evolved Lucario began throwing down on the Dragonite with a flurry of Close Combat and Ice Punch. This new-found strength and variety of moves began to inflict some pain upon the dragon. However, the Dragonite was still much stronger. In one final attack, the Dragonite dodged Lilly's Ice Punch and struck hard with Aerial Ace, sending the Lucario into the Combuskin, fainting them both.

Alistair had knocked Camio down onto his face with a flurry of well placed strikes. As the knight used his foot to roll Camio onto his back, Camio swung hard upwards to catch Alistair in the cheek, causing a gash across the skin. Alistair took a step back from the attack, giving Camio time to get to his feet and launch a ferocious flurry of attacks. However, Alistair's bamboo sword and plate armor caught each attack until the knight finally decided to end the fight with a crack across the side of Camio's leather-armored head, a strike to the back of his knee, and a swift boot to his chest.

Alistair stood above the barely conscious Camio and gave a slight smile. “You have quite a bit of potential. That's the first time anyone's been able to wound me, and with a wooden weapon no less.” Alistair spoke before motioning for the closest two trainees to come to him. “Bring the lad to the infirmary, along with his Pokémon partners. Then come back down here and we will all resume training.”
Pokemon X/Y FC: 3282-1808-1238
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 29
Posted: Fri, 12/07/2013 19:26 (11 Years ago)
Chapter 4 Placeholder
Pokemon X/Y FC: 3282-1808-1238
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 29
Posted: Fri, 12/07/2013 19:26 (11 Years ago)
Chapter 5 Placeholder
Pokemon X/Y FC: 3282-1808-1238
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 29
Posted: Fri, 12/07/2013 19:27 (11 Years ago)
Chapter 6 Placeholder
Pokemon X/Y FC: 3282-1808-1238
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 29
Posted: Fri, 12/07/2013 19:27 (11 Years ago)
Chapter 7 Placeholder
Pokemon X/Y FC: 3282-1808-1238
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 29
Posted: Fri, 12/07/2013 19:28 (11 Years ago)
Feel free to leave comments below. More will come as I work to get over my writer's block. For those who have seen this in Pokefarms, I am Mewcario there, and this is my work.
Pokemon X/Y FC: 3282-1808-1238
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Sun, 21/07/2013 00:54 (11 Years ago)
Read first paragraph of chapter 3, and it's awesome!

Proud owner of first Treecko and Grovyle on the site.