(Hi :3 and I know I just was wondering if you wanted to RP just in
case you were busy, sorry for the confusion.) Shadowflight pads
over to Leopardstar "Hi, do you want me to hunt? the Fresh-Kill
pile looks a bit small." Shadowflight asks, head coxed slightly.
(Just asking, do you know anyone who knows Warriors that would like
to be our medicine cat?)"Sure!" Leopardstar answers back "Do you
know any medicine that would help us from that battle?"
(besides Moon in the other clan RP no, but I could ask her.)
Shadowflight nods then answering the med cat question, frowns
"No... Unless you wanted to try another clan." Shadowflight blinks
"I'll bring as much prey back as I can." With that, she takes off
and slows among the trees. Stopping to taste the air, her eyes
brighten, smelling mouse. She springs and nips it's spine.
Shadowflight pauses with the mouse "Sorry." Shadowflight pricks her
ears "I see a blackbird, can you help me catch it? Shadowflight
asks and creeps to the other side and stares at it intently
Shadowflight crouches, blocking its escape, just in case, though
she is pretty sure Leopardstar will manage on her own. Her ears
twitch and blinks hearing crashing coming from downwind -What is
that? It either could be something dangerous or not dangerous...-
Staring at Leopardstar ,Shadowflight gestures with her head to the
As Leopardstar sees Shadowflight pointing her head to something,
Leopardstar catches the blackbird, buries the bird, then follow
Shadowflight to the sound.
Shadowflight pauses and looks at Leopardstar "I hear something, but
I can't tell what it is. It's over there, can you tell what it is?"
Shadowflight whispers and gestures to the sound with a paw
Leopardstar tries to see what the sound is, then she sees that it's
a kittypet with Flameclan!!!! As Leopardstar goes closer, sees that
it was the same kittypet that she bumped into yesterday!!!!!
While they are eavesdropping, they find out that Flameclan as
allied with the kittypets and are planning an attack on Legendclan!
After a few more moments, Leopardstar whispers to Shadowflight,
Shadowflight yowls loudly and leaps onto a cat and slashes it's
eyes and flank and kicks it's chest, knocking the warrior flying
and leaps onto it's back and digs her claws into its shoulders,
pinning to floor. Suddenly Shadowflight is flung off the warrior as
a kitty pet springs and digs it's claws into her side. Jerking
free, she swipes it's chest and rolls over, dodging a blow and
rakes it's ear and kicks the kittypets nose
The warrior springs at Shadowflight and clings onto her shoulder,
while the kittypet swipes at her. Kicking the kittypet backwards ,
she turns and slashes the warriors belly. They both back up a bit
and stare at her. Then they leap at from both sides. Shadowflight
leaps forwards and turns and swipes the kittypet and kicks it's
chest and turns to swipe the Warriors muzzle as it leaps at her and
tries to bite her throat. The warrior misses her throat but manages
to bite her shoulder. Knocking it away Shadowflight realizes
Leopardstar doesn't look like she's here
-Leopardstar ditched me! Well I'll just fight them myself!-
Shadowflight snarls "Get off my territory without another swipe or
I'll tear out your throats!" She snarls. The two cats snicker "It's
two verse one." The kittypet snarls "We will destroy you!" With
that they springs. Shadowflight drops to the floor and rolls over,
wildly slashing above her, feeling her claws connect with belly fur
and tear. Fury blazes in her eyes as she leaps up and springs,
swiping the warriors eye as it leaps for her