Not a fan of long intro's, so straight the point here.
I am selling some shinies I have on my Pokemon ORAS copy.
Before you ask to buy a shiny, make sure you have either Pokemon X,
Y, OR, or AS.
When ordering, please provide your friendcode.
My Friendcode: 3883-7324-7208 FORM
Please use this form to order a shiny.
[b][size=16]I would like a shiny![/size][/b]
[b]In-game name:[/b]
[b]What game copy?[/b] (Pick either ORAS or XY)
[b]Pokemon to buy:[/b]
[b]Payment:[/b] (PD or nuggets)
The following shinies below have me as their OT, meaning they have
been chained/found by me:
Psyduck (Level 27) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Frillish (Level 25) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Ducklett (Level 1) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Exeggcute (Level 1) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Lairon (Level 37) [[80,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Skiploom (Level 41) [[45,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Doduo (Level 38 ) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Shellder (Level 1) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Pansage (Level 1) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Relicanth (Level 35) [[80,000 PD or x60 nuggets]] Dragalge (Level 35) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Spinarak (Level 1) [[45,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Staravia (Level 34) [[45,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Whirlipede (Level 29) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Sliggoo (Level 50) [[80,000 PD or x60 nuggets]] Oddish (Level 14) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Buizel (Level 1) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Patrat (Level 1) [[45,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Quilladin (Level 34) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Snorunt (Level 34) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Chespin (Level 1) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Carvanha (Level 35) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Pancham (Level 1) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Nuzleaf (Level 19) [[45,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Buizel (Level 1) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]]
The shinies below here, do NOT have me as their OT and have got
them from trades:
Tangela (Level 70) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Gyarados (Level 20) [[33,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Gigalith (Level 55) [[43,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Pupitar (Level 32) [[93,000 PD or x90 nuggets]] Drifblim (Level 30) [[68,000 PD or x60 nuggets]] Cherrim (Level 70) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Bergmite (Level 40) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Eevee (Level 70) [[70,000 PD or x60 nuggets]] Lanturn (Level 27) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Clefairy (Level 45) [[40,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Aegislash (Pokerus) (Level 37) [[60,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Bergmite (Level 1) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Remoraid (Level 25) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Ambipom (Level 100) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Metang --[EVENT]-- (Level 70) [[80,000 PD or x60 nuggets]] Gengar --[EVENT]-- (Level 25) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Gabite (Level 30) [[80,000 PD or x60 nuggets]] Dratini (Level 70) [[80,000 PD or x60 nuggets]] Florges (Level 30) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Eevee (Level 1) [[70,000 PD or x60 nuggets]] Cherrim (Level 70) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Liepard (Level 35) [[45,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Scrafty (Pokerus) (Level 41) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]] Tentacruel (Level 30) [[50,000 PD or x50 nuggets]]
Username:Raylong268 Friendcode:3153-4835-9246 In-game name:Shane What game copy?Omega Ruby Pokemon to buy:Kangaskhan,Sablye,Beartic,Venonat Payment:Nuggets:210
Username: kalona2345 Friendcode: 4485-0618-7658 In-game name:Bryn X (Pick either ORAS or XY) Pokemon to buy: Helioptile, Shelgon, Combee/b]
[b]Payment:150 BN Nuggets (PD or nuggets)
Ahh I'm really sorry. It seems that I've already traded shiny
Golbat quite a while ago.
This thread was inactive for almost a whole year and I never got to
updating the list until now. Sorry!
Is there perhaps any other shiny you want?
okay I'm getting on my AS now and when do you want me to send the
Also sorry about the trade in the game i didn't know you wanted the
game chat on because i don't really use that