Snow stops scanning them and her eyes turn normal "Scan
complete. Raika,Rose,Caroline and Frida are good. sorry if i
scared you even a little." snow looks sorry. Rose smiles "It is
ok." ~I dont fully trust her......~.
"I think you're scanning software isn't that good... Raika isn't
good." Frida said, with truth.
"That's true. I'm neutral. I can change sides when I want. That's
because Frida is good and Caroline is not."
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
Snow giggles "I only used my trusting scan. it tells me if there is
a trust i can link on to. i have 3 scans. my noramal scan. my trust
scan and my feeling scan. all are top of the line." Snow goes to
hug Raika "Pluse i need a friend who is like me.".
Snow smiles "Ok. I feel like we can be good friends. one of my X
Best Friends was smarter then the others of her kind. now to
train............. Mind link now ready to be used. enter who you
want to link to." snow looks happy.
Rose trys to join as well. Snow's eyes turn red "Turning on
firewall. a glitch has been spotted. all in mind link will not be
harmed as long as they are not the glitch." Snow's eyes turn
Snow smiles "Ok. that is some thing i cant do yet. it is hidden in
the code for me. if you can do it with out me having to find out
the code that would be nice............" Snow's left eye turns
black again as she goes half offline.