Forum Thread
The Everything Emporium
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → The Everything EmporiumUsername- pi-ka-chu
What pokemon you want- starter squirtel and bulbasaur. and horsea
person you want it from- DexapsPokemon
offer- charizard, pikachu, venusaur and 14 k
other - nothing
Electric Gem-5
Flying Gem-20
Grass Gem-46
Ground Gem-5
Normal Gem-0(sold out)
Poison Gem -26
Rock Gem-1
Dark Gem-3
Fire Gem-1
Ghost Gem-8
Ice Gem-5
Psychic Gem-2
Steel Gem-1
Fairy Gem-4
Mystery box(red)-1
Mystery Key(brown)-1
Mystery Key (green)-1
Mystery Key (Dark blue)-1
Mystery Key (purple)-1

What Pokemon/item you want: 37 Normal Gems
Person you want it from: Latias_Master
Offer: 4k PD
Other: I'll set the GE once you accept ^^
Username: Yoru
What Pokemon/item you want: Marine Cave Map and 2x Star Piece
Person you want it from: Lovino_Vargas
Offer: 200k PD
Other: I have some items for trade, we could negotiate something
Normal Gems for Ditto collected:
1 561 / 10 000
To get:

+Pidgeot,Beedrill,Slowbro,Sceptile,Swampert,Camerupt,Glaile,Gallade & Event Megas
What Pokemon/item you want: 10 Rare Candies
Person you want it from: Latios_Master
Offer: 25k
Other: None ^^