Frostpaw struggles to her paws staring defiantly at the wolf. She
took a deep breath. "Hey fox breath! Come here will ya!" She looks
at her Clanmates, begging them to leave. "Your nothing but an
oversized fleabag! Call yourself an alpha? Those moves are
winterpaw helped frostpaw up as a tear ran down her cheek she
charged at the alpha as she slid under it she raked its belly "im
not leaving without you frostpaw"
Frostpaw screeches at the top of her lungs and turns head away,
tearing part of her ear off. "My ear!" She glares at the Alpha.
"Winterpaw! Run. I'll hold him off while you get to safety!"
"owey! squirrel brain why don't you pick on someone your own size"
winterpaw was tawnting the alpha to chase her instead "like I said
im not leaving you frostpaw *whispers*
Frostpaw looks at the floor. "I guess that's what I would do. Okay.
When I claw the alpha' sear we both take off running. I'll be RIGHT
behind you. Understood?"
(You know what? I'm too lazy to even finished what happened, so I'm
thinking that a wolf pup appeared and another wolf and the clan is
being rebuild and such...) Silverkit (idk where she is cause RP
kinda got me confused) was walking back to camp, she went through
the entrance and collapsed down on the ground, her hind leg was
wounded really bad and she didn't want to even move anymore, she
gave too much pressure to her hind leg, (let's just say it was her
left hind leg) so she tried to not give it pressure.