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ωнαт...αм ι? [Invite Only]

Forum-Index Roleplay ωнαт...αм ι? [Invite Only]
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Tue, 20/01/2015 02:47 (10 Years ago)
"Or why don't we just go throught the portal" Glacia said as she created a bright glowing teleportation device.
"Well at least go throught it before anyone else sees! And don't even think about it Dominic! XD"
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Tue, 20/01/2015 03:01 (10 Years ago)
You can't get bored of this ship.))

Luke's face went red once again, but this time from embarrassment. "You saw that?" He asked, almost ashamed of his silly attempt in his rush. He must have been rushing too much to notice her there before. He made a mental note to pay attention to his surroundings better next time he was in a rush. Before he could reply to Tera with "Don't worry, I'll show you the way," Glacia had already pulled out what was apparently a teleportation device. He stared at it in disbelief for a minute, then said: "Where on earth did that thing come from? And how is it supposed to take us to the warehouse?" Glacia's random behavior was endearing in its own way, but it greatly overwhelmed Luke.

Luke: No! NOOOOO! It's a misunderstanding, I swear!!!)
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Tue, 20/01/2015 03:05 (10 Years ago)
"It takes you to your exact location...and I'm a magic dragon...You must believe in magic tricks!"
Glacia said as she flew into the teleportation device
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Tue, 20/01/2015 03:10 (10 Years ago)
((Haha, valid point :P))

Amaterasu laughed a little bit, now knowing that he really didn't see her at all. "Yeah, I was there when you showed up," she said and couldn't help but add, "Very loud too." She had already directed her attention toward Glacia's portal when Luke had made the comment. "Oh nice, teleportation device," she said and walked towards it, "I haven't gotten my hands on one of these in a LONG time." She looked over the portal with a smile and said, "Come on guys, don't be slowpokes //shot." With the comment she took a run towards the device and leapt into it without hesitation, disappearing part by part as she passed through it.

Dominic gave a skeptical look at the machine, not sure what to make of what it was. He looked at Luke and said, "Well, I guess they know what they're doing better than we do." He walked towards the device, examining it for a few moments before hesitantly stepping into the machine, allowing it to pull him into the warehouse.

((Tera: Yes, it's often a "misunderstanding"))
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Tue, 20/01/2015 12:12 (10 Years ago)
Luke stood alone for a few seconds, trying to collect his thoughts and calm down. He couldn't believe that Tera had seen him earlier. Taking a deep breath, he walked through the portal and found himself in the warehouse where he had spent countless hours. Everything was where he had left them, and it seemed the other visitor hadn't appeared for a while. All the better, I suppose, he thought. Moving towards the same rack on the wall as he had done many times before, he grabbed one of the camping lanterns and turned it on in the slowly dimming light. "So, here we are. What do you think?"

Luke: Oh my gosh! This is why I shouldn't try talking to girls!!! >O< ))
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Tue, 20/01/2015 12:25 (10 Years ago)
Amaterasu came out of the portal just a few moments after Luke had, since time didn't always line up with teleporters. She landed with a soft 'thump' since she had run into the machine in the first place. She took a few steps from the portal, allowing anyone else who was coming out not to ram into her. Then she stopped to look around, taking in all of the rather large, but almost empty warehouse, with a good amount of empty racks laying around. "Pretty nice," she said, starting to walk around a bit, seeing if there was anything particularly interesting. "Lots of windows, those will be nice in the morning," she said with a smile and turned back to Luke. "Do you come here a lot?" she asked, "I wouldn't expect this place to be this clean if no one else came."

((Tera: Who said I'm a girl//shot repeatedly
Yes, you're a girl Tera))
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Tue, 20/01/2015 20:55 (10 Years ago)
Luke turned towards the portal, surprised that Tera had come out after him. But what did he know about teleporters? Grabbing some blankets and pillows from one of his secret stash spots, he walked towards Tera. "Yeah, I come here at least twice a week. I like to come to read or just be alone," he said to her, looking around at his special place. "There's also someone else who comes every now and then, but I've never seen them. I only know because of some of the random papers I see laying around after they've been here."
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Tue, 20/01/2015 21:55 (10 Years ago)
((Totally didn't just confuse the "other visitor(s)" with out characters and read it wrong))

Amaterasu's eyes traveled all around the warehouse, not stopping on a single point until she saw Luke right in front of her. "Yeah, I can tell," she said with a smile, "You must really like to read a lot then." Her gaze stayed on him a moment longer before they continued to travel around to each detail of the warehouse. She closed her eyes and sniffed the air after his comment of someone else being here. "You're right," she said, "But whatever they are, it's not human. They're smell isn't strong enough to know quite what though." She looked back to him, "So you've never seen him or her before?"
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Wed, 21/01/2015 00:37 (10 Years ago)
Pfft. Don't worry. I have those moments a lot.))

Luke looked at Tera in surprise, not even guessing that the other visitor may have not been human. But of course, he didn't even know there were people or creatures like that to begin with. He remembered then one strange item that the person seemed to have left; a feather. "Give me a sec, I remembered something I think they left," he said, moving to one of the racks covered in boxes. He grabbed the small feather from the box, feeling its silky texture. He brought it to Tera, thinking maybe she could tell from the feather.

Helena walked down the street towards the warehouse she always hung out at, keeping her wings invisible and closed tight against her. She was glad that no one ever went down there, except that one boy who came all the time. She had secretly watched and listened to him as he read, keeping herself hidden. He knew she visited from time to time, but he had never seen her. As she approached the warehouse, she was surprised to see lights on. The boy never stayed out this late. Gosh I wish my wings would work! Then I could just fly up to see who's in there, she thought bitterly, kinda wishing that being a fallen angel meant that she'd be able to curse. Sadly, that would never happen. She was still an angel. She walked around to the back side of the warehouse, entering the building through her secret entrance. Looking from behind one of the large crates, she watched the boy that frequented the warehouse and some other girl. She didn't seem human, but her senses might've been off. She noticed the feather that the boy was holding, and hid all the way behind the crate. [i]Crap!! I dropped one of my feathers!![/s]

Wheee~! Guess who's here?!))
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Wed, 21/01/2015 01:09 (10 Years ago)
Amaterasu looked at the feather that he brought out and gently took it from his hands. "Wait...." she said and examined it a bit closer, "Well this is new. Looks like you've been visited by an angel." She held it close to her face, taking in the scent of it before handing it back to Luke. "It's odd to have an angel down on earth though," she said, "Especially coming so close to humans." As she spoke, the sun was starting to hit the horizon, starting to kill off the illusions she had made. Once the sky will start to light up with the colors of the sunset, her hair would to. Suddenly, she froze and looked towards where Helena was hiding. Although she couldn't see the girl, the smell was the same as the feather, and it was distinct enough, since there weren't too many conflicting smells of other people in there. "I think she's visiting again," she whispered to Luke, as quietly as she could, "You'll get to see your mysterious visitor." Without warning, she moved directly behind Luke from the sights of Helena and quickly transformed into her normal fox form, kind of looking like a white puppy. She took her chance with any confusion that either of them may have had and ran towards the angel girl, but really with no chance of looking threatening in anyway, unless she was scared of puppies.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Wed, 21/01/2015 02:18 (10 Years ago)
Luke didn't have any time to react as Tera told him about his visitor, how the angel was there, and Tera's transformation into a tiny fox. He watched as she ran towards one of the large crates, startling whoever was behind it. He heard the crash of something into the crate, but couldn't see from where he stood. To get a better look, he ran towards the crate to see who was there.

Helena ran right into the crate she was hiding behind when the tiny fox came running at her. "Crap!" She yelled, partly because she was startled and partly because her wing hit the crate hard. She was able to keep it hidden, but she knew the fox knew what she was. Animals and young children could always tell she had wings, even when they were hidden. The boy came running around the crate, and saw her laying on the ground with a fluffy white fox standing right at her. "Uh, 'sup. Nice to finally see you face to face," she said awkwardly, knowing her position was awkward as heck. Curse this angel language! she yelled in her head. She picked herself up from the ground, but cringed as she tried to move her wing.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Wed, 21/01/2015 02:45 (10 Years ago)
Amaterasu even freaked out a little bit when the crate was knocked over, since it sounded extremely painful. She stood over where Helena was laying on the ground, looking at her wing that had hit the crate more than at the actual girl. The guilt was pretty clear on her puppy face, and she shifted back into a person, with her tail and all showing, but she was sitting on her knees, close to where the girl had fallen. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get you're wing hurt I just wanted to see who you were without you disappearing first," she said, talking really quickly, "And now you smashed your wing against the crate and I'm so sorry! And do you need help with your wing, it looks a bit beat up?" She took a deep breathe after saying all of that, after spitting it all out in one breathe.

((Oh Tera, you're such a cute little puppy~
Tera: I'm not cute! *puppy growl*))
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Wed, 21/01/2015 02:52 (10 Years ago)
Glacia walks over to Tera
"Don't worry" she said as she snapped her fingers. "I can see your wings" Glacia said and winked. "She said it's nice to meet you guys" Glacia translated. "Here" she handed the girl a healing patch. "Put it on your wing"
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Wed, 21/01/2015 02:53 (10 Years ago)
((Wait, I thought Helena could speak? .-.))
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Wed, 21/01/2015 02:55 (10 Years ago)
((In angel language XD))
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Wed, 21/01/2015 15:15 (10 Years ago)
((Since Shade decided that he's just going to sleep instead of be useful, despite me wanting to reply a few times in the RP before now, I'm going to introduce my new character. And I typed this up once already, but my browser decided to go back a page when I tried to delete a few typos, so I lost it all orz ))

The white-haired teen stepped out of the hospital, giving a yawn as he took note that the sun was setting. The albino dragon hat on his head, which looked cute and made the tanned boy seem younger, took on a redish hint to it as the lighting changed.

"It's almost night already, huh?" he asked, biting on his thumb's nail as he tried to figure out what he wanted to do for the up coming night. He was only a volunteer at the hospital, but it gave him a safe place to work and help others. Especially since he could pull off the cute and innocent act pretty well, to the point that even visitors assumed that his tail was fake and only there to match his dragon hat.

Finally deciding that he'd go to the warehouse district, where he had gotten quite comfortable with visiting, he stepped behind some crates and reverted to his natural form. He shook his clothes off, the only thing remaining being his red cross collar, then bounded off towards his location.

He knew of two other people who frequented this area, but he did his best to stay out of their way, and they haven't seemed to realize that he hung out there often. The canine preferred it that way, as it meant he didn't have to explain anything. As he got close, he slowed his pace and his feline tail swished behind him. There were more scents in the area than he remembered. The two that were usually there, as well as.... two? maybe three more. He could hear muffled conversation, and perked his floppy ears as much as he could to try and pinpoint it.

Upon figuring out which building it came from, the canine took a step back, away from it, only to bump into some haphazardly stacked boxes, crates, and barrels. Everything tumbled around him, and by the time the pup knew what happened, he already gave a low whine at being trapped in the mess.

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 479
Posted: Wed, 21/01/2015 18:30 (10 Years ago)
((Awww, poor Shade. And hopefully you'll get to post more with Keeanu :3))

Amaterasu lifted her head from looking at when she heard at the sound of more crashing of something or another, but a lot of it. There was also what sounded like a low whimper, that sounded like a puppy or a cat. Although it smelled like it was more than one creature. Or multiple in one? Whatever it was, trying to figure out what the smell was was hurting her head. "I... I'm going to go check out what that sound was," she said, still feeling a bit guilty for getting Helena hurt, but it seems like Glacia had something that would help her.

She quickly got up and went towards the other side of the room, where there were boxes, crates and barrels scattered around, some still precariously balanced on each other, trapping whatever the creature is that knocked them over. She carefully moved some of the boxes aside and pushed away one of the barrels, seeing some weird sort of hybrid creature in the middle of all of this mess. "Well hello there little guy," she said in one of those puppy voices, "How did you manage to get yourself into this kind of trouble." She held her hand out towards the creature, since most frightened animals, including herself, get kind of skittish around people, or even creatures that resembled people.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Thu, 22/01/2015 00:12 (10 Years ago)
Whoa, Glacia don't be putting another language in Helena's mouth. By "Angel Language," she meant the fact that she is unable to use curse words or other unpleasant language.))

Helena took the patch from the dragon girl. While she didn't have the "sense of smell" of other creatures, she had a sort of "sixth sense" that let her know what was a human and what wasn't. She let her wings show to everyone, placing the patch on the injured wing. It stung at first, but the pain began to fade quickly. "Ya know, you've got a pretty good reading voice. It's nice to listen to," she said to Luke, still looking at her wing.

Luke looked at Helena's wings, amazed at seeing them in real life. Realizing what she had said, she stared at her face in disbelief. "Wait, you've heard my reading voice... Have you been stalking me?!" Hearing the sound of the crates crashing, he left before she could reply. Angels were one thing. An angel that stalked you was another. He walked up a bit behind Tera, looking at the little animal. It's strange horns and tail caught his attention, and he watched quietly as Tera worked to befriend the little animal.

Helena: Dude, I'm not a stalker.
Luke: PROVE IT!!!))
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,837
Posted: Thu, 22/01/2015 21:35 (10 Years ago)
Keeanu flinched as the boxes and a barrel were moved away from his body. A beautiful female stood there and offered her hand towards him. As he was trying to figure out what happened, another person walked over. He could tell that one of them was human and one was not, but it was clear that he was startled by them none the less.

Once he got completely free from the crates, he jumped up and took off in a full on sprint down the clearing between buildings, then took a sharp turn to try and get away from the strangers. His axe tail caught on the corner, though, and the next thing he knew he was sitting down, sliding back into view of the strangers.

((Did I mention that he's really timid and easily scared?))

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 02:09 (10 Years ago)
"Aww wait!" Glacia cried to the poor little creature
"It's ok we're here to keep you safe" Glacia whispered to the trembling furry creature.
She held out a hand for the the puppy to sniff.