3 Hours Later
Blade looks at Burn "When will this 'Plan' of yours start?". 3 Snow
Snakes brake in to the ice and crash in to the cages. Burn smiles
"Right now!" Burn limps a little because of the cage hitting her
leg when the Snow snakes hit it.
Frost makes a ice shard "If you can i would like you to use this in
some way because i am here on my own mission. Magma should never
have been the leader of The tribe of warmth so it is time for her
doom." Frost looks a little mad when she says Magma. Burn slowly
backs away.
Magma giggles "I will never tell. i never do. if i did he would
feed me to the Frost snakes." Magma hits her head on the ground
nocking herself out. Frost looks at ash "Ok well that is a clue. a
path of frost should help" Frost smiles. Burn backs in to tim.
Magma yells in pain. a Frost snake comes in to the room and hisses
at ash ready to eat him alive. Frost grabs ash making him let magma
go. The Frost snake leaves. Frost looks at ash "That is not the
way. we need to end her before we become Frost Snake chow." Frost
looks mad.
Frost looks mad "You do know Frost snakes can not be killed from
the inside right? snow snakes casn but not Frost snakes. only pure
Hot Ice can kill them." Frost traps Magma in ice. Frost punches ash
in the arm kind of hard "Now you can talk to her with out a
problem.". magma looks at ash "I still wont tell you. even if i
could i would not know where he is. only frost and Blade had known
before they left. Frost's control chip was broke and Blade quit on
us because the leader wanted to see how she really looks." Magma
looks mean. Blade backs up starting to remember.