For many years dragons and other mysterious creatures
used to live peacefully with humans.... before they came. A
mysterious group of people has come capturing many of the creatures
to take over the world but there first mission will destroy the
peace between the creatures and humans forever..... Will you try to
stop them or be the many with them trying to destroy the
"My name is Auraora."
"Im 100 years old."
"Im A Female"
She is a medium size black dragon. She wears a collar that is
covered by a scarf most of the time and has a scar on one of her
wings and she has green eyes.
Species Or Human:
"A Rare Type Of Darkness Dragon"
Good Or Evil:
"Kinda both...."
"Dont ask me about it"
She has a collar around her neck that does something but she
doesn't really remember what it does. She is half blind and doesn't
trust anyone since something in her past and she is friendly but
has a temper.
Username: GlaciaSnow
Name: Glacia
Age: 90 Years
Gender: Female
Species Or Human: Icy Wind Dragon
Good Or Evil: Good
History: "It's...It's kinda *Mumbles*"
Other: Is very shy
(Ok then.)
Auraora slowly flew off as humans chased after her. "We got to get
it!"One of them screamed before they lost her. "Phew I got away
atleast."Auraora said sitting down looking at her wing that was hit
by something from a human.
Age:98 years
Species Or Human:Dragoon
Good Or Evil:he doesnt know
History:Is one of the many surviving humanoid esc dragoons left
Other:loves to eat
Auraora slowly sighed as she looked around seening most of those
humans gone. "Why are there chasing me and other
creatures..."Auraora though annoyed by this since she almost got
caught by one.
Age:40 years
Apperance: this is the
Species:snowflake dragon
Good or Evil:good
History:"i dont know much but...-"
Others: blue and withe scarf and is young for this kind of dragon
Auraora slowly blinked staring at the sharpened ice tail. "Uh...
who are you?"Auraora said looking nervous wondering if she was
about to be attacked and she doesn't want her own wing destroyed
"Im Auraora... I've was chased here and some humans that where
chasing me lost me and I got away."Auraora said slowly staring at
the ice dragon wondering how one could live here when its this hot.
"Hiding from the humans?"Auraora said before seening a few fire
dragons in the distance."Why does there have to be fire dragons
everywhere around here..."Auraora though annoyed by this.