(I would not mind if they got Slash as long as she can some how get
Slash keeps attacking with rocks "This Sablslash is not giving up
so easy!" Slash giggles.
Auraora was picked up by grunts and chained up as others where
knocked out or something and taken into the HQ to be expiermented
on while some grunts where trying to capture the legendary fusion.
Slash giggles "Lucky thing i am not normal in any way. I was born
on a Island that is now in the bottom of the sea! i was mae but my
makers are just normal Pokemon!" Slash looks like she is nuts.
Auraora slowly awoken in somekind of chamber as she looked around
seening chains. "Why am im in this chamber thing?"Auraora said
seening things fillied with fullids outside of the chamber being
hooked up.
"Just awnser my question"Auraora said faceplanting on the ground of
the chamber as she heard scientist yelling at each other. "We got
to use the purple fullid not the blue!"One of them said.
Now then While I search for The Groudon Fusion that escaped because
of you twerps grunts make sure to keep them in check and when it's
time to do experiments on them press their respective buttons.The
Cages and buttons are numbered so morons like you wont get mixed
"Can someone shut up those scientist?'Auraora said annoyed about to
break the glass and ice beam one of those scientist but then she
was knocked out. "You don't knock it out now!"A scientist said
starting a fight again.
Slash looks a the grunts and makes the rocks attack them
"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!" Slash looks like a Monster. Slash
cant stop her self from attacking EVERY one.
Auaora suddenly awoken seening wires around here as well as fullied
in the chamber as she floated around "Wow..."Auraora though before
her wings started to change and her eye color.
"Not really since im changing"Auraora said through the thing on her
mouth that was connexted to the wires with somekind of thing that
was changing her into a different type of fusion