Pitaryt, I will accept the normal gems, and winter deerling. As for
the others, I'm not really looking for ghost type pokemon. More for
festive and winter themed ones so it matches the event. :) If you
would like, I can set up a trade in the Gem Exchange and that's how
you can send the normal gems.
You are accepted as well.
I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username: Fulton Present You Are Donating: 4x Star Piece, 1x Resolute Stone,
1x Enigma Stone, 18x Fairy Gem, 1x Blue Meteorite, 1x Red
Meteorite(need to wait till deoxys come back from space), 1x Dread
Plate, 1x Fist Plate, 1x Mind Plate, 1x Spooky Plate, 1x Zap Plate,
1x Marine Cave Map, 1x Mega Able Abomasnow Your Wish List:
* Shiny or Mega/Mega Able Pokemons
* Mega Stone
* Dragon gems
* Retro Pokemons
* Other: Santa Jaws
Accepted:) Just set everything up in the GTS for me to get and I
will get to them shortly. Thank you for joining.
And on another note, I have received a few messages from users
whom have a concern of being "scammed" out of their items and
pokemon. Let me tell you this now; I am an extremely trustful, and
responsible person. You can ask any and all of my friends and PH
family among you about this if needed. I have been doing a lot for
the PH community as well. Such as my last big event (Where I gave
away my stuff, along with a few donations, and used all my PD),
helping users when they need it, and even giving away things of my
own to help others get what they need. The biggest reasons for me
wanting to hold onto the donating items is for:
1) It's a Secret Santa event, you aren't supposed to know who gave
you what (Art & Plushies excluding.)
2) If I let everyone hold onto their donating items, and I were to
tell them who they were all going to, it wouldn't be a Secret Santa
Event. Plus, those users could forget about the items and
use/sell/lose those items, or even scam the other user out of their
So I just wanted to leave this little note here for those who don't
trust me or understand why I am holding all the presents.
I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username: EeveeLove Present You Are Donating: fire stone and other stuff Your Wish List:
anything Other:
I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username:Jokar Present You Are Donating:Zap Plate, Iron Plate and 2
Derpatungs Your Wish List:
* Another Mew *-*
* Mooore Mews again XD
* Pokemons to complete my pokedex :>
* Cute baby shinies and Mega-ables
* Other:Santa Jaws
I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username: Rini00 Present You Are Donating: 60k, a Gold Box on a van Bagon, 75
fighting gems, 3 fairy gems, 20 poison gems and 2 cover fossils on
2 cuddlithe. (I'm also going to gradually add things (I'll pm you
as I do) like particular pokemon or (maybe) shinies as I breed
them, so more people can get what they wanted :3) Your Wish List:
* Nuggets (I can dreams XP)
* 1 Star piece
* Normal, electric, fire or flying gems
* Boxes and keys
* Shiny psyduck plushie
* Pokemon that aren't in my dex
* Artwork of my Pokesona ^^ Other: Santa Jaws
Rini, you are accepted as well. Set everything up in the GTS and
then I will set up a GE for the gems and such. Thank you for
EDIT: These Users Still Need To Send Their Donations:
1. GlaciaSnow (Megable Charizard when it hatches)
2. Star_Savior_Dragon
3. JudJud (Only sent 5k Male Espurr & 1 Shiny Stone)
4. threshfeather
5. wishingonjirachi (Will trade over donations when online next
6. asdfghjklpoiuytrewq
7. Navuso (When Shiny Mawiles hatch)
8. Cut3gummy4life
9. Shadow_Koin
10. Dedennemaster205
11. Fulton (When online again)
I'm on the nice list, Nova! Username:Princess Present You Are Donating:1 big nugget. (Since people want
nuggets cx) Your Wish List:
*Anything would work
* Other:Santa Jaws
Username:FlameCome4321 Present You Are Donating:: sableye Your Wish List:
* Other:[/color]
Pickles, Oh best persone of all time, Queen Kazzy and C
i_am=PickleTime]don't click this link...[/url
Pickles, Oh best persone of all time, Queen Kazzy and C
i_am=PickleTime]don't click this link...[/url